[Okfn-dk] Fresh blog post: The Hunt for Open Data in Sweden 2014

Mattias OKFSE mattias at okfn.se
Wed Sep 3 16:28:40 UTC 2014

On 09/01/2014 10:10 AM, Niclas Darville wrote:
> Interesting, thanks for mentioning it. I wish we could also have more 
> open poll data, instead of the system we have now.
Yeah, we agree!
> Norway’s database 
> <http://www.nsd.uib.no/nsd/nsdnytt/11-2/500_meningsmalinger.html> is 
> the envy of all the Nordic countries, while people like me are left to 
> manually update a wiki 
> <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Opinion_polling_for_the_next_Danish_general_election>—or 
> for the Swedes behind the Ada bot, a GitHub repo 
> <https://github.com/MansMeg/SwedishPolls/blob/master/Data/Polls.csv>.
Looks interesting... Will check it out further. Thanks for the advice!
> Would love to have a Danish database reminiscent of what Norway has.
Denmark is moving faster in other ways regarding PSI so that's good!
> On 1 September 2014 08:06, Mattias <mattias at okfn.se 
> <mailto:mattias at okfn.se>> wrote:
>     Dear Nordic countries,
>     Yesterday, our Open Gov specialist Kristina Olausson posted a blog
>     post about the situation around openness in Sweden regarding open
>     data in connetion to the upcoming national elections on the 14th
>     of September. If you can read Swedish, please have a look at the
>     full text or enjoy the English summary below.
>     /Summary in English: I recently published a report at the Swedish
>     think-tank FORES on re-use of public sector information in Sweden.
>     The result showed that marginal-cost on data is the most efficient
>     way of creating the optimal re-use of such resources as we saw in
>     several international studies. Under such conditions it is
>     estimated that the European market would generate about 27 billion
>     euro per year. However, for the Swedish market, no such
>     socioeconomic analysis has been made. Another part of the report
>     studied one particular governmental body, SMHI, as they last year
>     chose to make their data free of charge. We wanted to know why
>     they did so as many Swedish public sector bodies use the charges
>     to cover the cost of their work. The answer was that they regarded
>     it as a fundamental duty of them to create more public value and
>     that lowering charges was part of this. As my quote from the
>     IT-manager says: if other actors are better at using data under
>     the same circumstances as SMHI, it could be proven that they are
>     better at this than us. /
>     Read more (in Swedish) at:
>     http://se.okfn.org/2014/08/31/jakten-pa-oppna-data-i-sverige-2014/
>     Best,
>     Mattias
>     Community Manager
>     Open Knowledge Sweden
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