[OKFN-EN] Reminder - Datasets and the Curatorial Process

Leonardo de Araújo araujo at informatik.uni-bremen.de
Wed Feb 14 09:20:19 UTC 2018

You may have already received an e-mail inviting you to participate in this survey. If you have already completed and returned the questionnaire, please accept our thanks and disregard this e-mail as no further involvement is required. If you have not completed the questionnaire please take a little time to help us with this research!


Dear curator/researcher,

We're conducting a survey in order to get insights into the influence of datasets in the Curatorial Process and vice versa.

https://www.surveymonkey.de/r/TZR86PH <https://www.surveymonkey.de/r/TZR86PH>

The survey is part of a PhD project carried out at the Computer Science Department of the University of Bremen, Germany. 

The survey has only 7 questions and takes around 5 minutes to be completed.

If you have any questions or comments, please write to araujo at informatik.uni-bremen.de <mailto:araujo at informatik.uni-bremen.de>

Finally, we would kindly ask you to forward this e-mail to anyone you think this survey applies to! 

We really appraciate your input!

Leonardo de Araújo

Informatik, Universität Bremen, TZI
Bibliothekstr.1, D-28359 Bremen, Germany
email: araujo at informatik.uni-bremen.de <mailto:araujo at informatik.uni-bremen.de>
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