[OKFN-FR] [euopendata] [ITRE Nov 29th] PSI votes on Open Formats tomorrow at EUparl 10am

Richard.Swetenham at ec.europa.eu Richard.Swetenham at ec.europa.eu
Tue Dec 4 15:38:48 UTC 2012

Please note that, contrary to what you say in the Regards Citoyens blog post, the trialogue will not take place after the EP plenary vote. The purpose of the  trialogue procedure is to negotiate and to reach an agreement in first reading - the EP plenary and the Council need to vote on identical  texts. 

The  trialogue procedure  starts after the lead EP committee has voted. This is normally followed by two further meetings. 

The first trialogue meeting is scheduled to take place on 17 December.

Adviser for Open Data
European Commission
Directorate General for Communications Networks, Content and Technology

Mail: EUFO 1/193, European Commission, L-2920 Luxembourg
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E-mail: richard.swetenham at ec.europa.eu
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-----Original Message-----
From: euopendata-bounces at lists.okfn.org [mailto:euopendata-bounces at lists.okfn.org] On Behalf Of Benjamin Ooghe-Tabanou
Sent: Friday, November 30, 2012 4:08 PM
To: Ricardo Lafuente; Open Government WG List; EU Open Data Working Group; okfn-discuss at lists.okfn.org; transparency-tech at googlegroups.com; OKFN fr
Cc: contact at regardscitoyens.org
Subject: Re: [euopendata] [ITRE Nov 29th] PSI votes on Open Formats tomorrow at EUparl 10am

Hey Ricardo and everyone else,

Sorry for the silence: we did relay the result on twitter as soon as
we knew it but we couldn't do more since we are all busy at our
respective jobs as Regards Citoyens is composed only of volunteers.

Indeed the compromise amendment 18 was adopted, which means machine
readable and platform independant will be required for open formats as
defined for EU PSI (if the text survives the plenary and then the
trialogue parliament/commission/council of course), which is already
quite good, but not enough in our opinion :
the amendment 65 was proposing to specifiy that such formats should be
the result of an open-development process in order to avoid the risk
of having proprietarized or patented standards used. Unfortunately
this one was refused so far.

The next step now is the discussion of the PSI directive revision in
plenary, which should come along the next months, most probably in
March. Then there will be a trialogue with the European commission and
the European council who will give their minds for the process that
will result into the final text, which national parliaments will then
have to transpose.

It will be useful by then to continue to contact members of the
European parliament in order to let them know why this is an important
matter and prepare them to propose new amendments.

We will try and gather all pieces together and make a more detailed
e-mail and/or blog post during the coming days.


Benjamin for Regards Citoyens

On Thu, Nov 29, 2012 at 6:49 PM, Ricardo Lafuente <bollecs at sollec.org> wrote:
> Hello Benjamin!
> I just read on the @RegardsCitoyens Twitter account that amendment 18 passed
> and 65 did not. Which is mostly great news -- thank you all involved in this
> effort! Can you provide a link for the results announcement?
> Also, can you please clarify the next steps that this process will take
> until it is enacted as an EU directive, and are there still obstacles in the
> way? Amendment 18 (machine-readable formats) is absolutely crucial for most
> of our efforts here in Portugal, where most PSI content is almost
> exclusively available in hard-to-parse PDF.
> Thank you again! Cheers to all who have been enlightening the MEPs!
> :r
> On 11/28/2012 04:24 PM, Benjamin Ooghe-Tabanou wrote:
>> Hi everyone,
>> As you all probably know, PSI directive is being revised regarding
>> reuse soon at the European Parliament. Tomorrow at 10am
>> <http://www.europarl.europa.eu/committees/en/itre/draft-agendas.html?linkedDocument=true&ufolderComCode=ITRE&ufolderLegId=7&ufolderId=11208&urefProcYear=&urefProcNum=&urefProcCode=#menuzone>,
>> the ITRE comittee will discuss it and will vote among other things on
>> amendments defining what open formats are.
>> We just sent to all MEPs from the commitee (cf
>> <https://memopol.lqdn.fr/search/?q=committees:ITRE%20is_active:1>) a
>> note explaining why we believe it is important to ensure this
>> definition includes a reference to requiring machine-readable (vote
>> for compromise amendment 18) and an open development process (vote for
>> amendement 65 from Amelia Andersdotter):
>> <http://www.regardscitoyens.org/documents/20121128-RegardsCitoyens-PSI-reuse-open-formats.pdf>
>> We believe this is a very important matter for OpenData so we call on
>> all of you to maybe help us on this advocacy run till tomorrow
>> morning.
>> An efficient way to participate to this work would be to send priorily
>> emails or tweets to the ALDE or PPE members of the ITRE commitee in
>> order to advise them to vote for compromise amendement 18 and
>> amendment 65.
>> <https://twitter.com/search/realtime?q=%23PSI&src=typd>
>> Good evening and good luck to us all! ;)
>> Benjamin Ooghe-Tabanou for Regards Citoyens
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