[OKFN-FR] Fwd: Newsletter December 2012
Pierre Chrzanowski
pierre.chrzanowski at gmail.com
Mon Dec 10 12:52:33 UTC 2012
Newsletter de l'OKFN, n'hésitez pas à vous abonner.
Le lancement d'OKFN France fait partie des actu ;)
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From: Open Knowledge Foundation <info at okfn.org>
Date: Mon, Dec 10, 2012 at 1:21 PM
Subject: Newsletter December 2012
To: pierre.chrzanowski at gmail.com
Newsletter September - December 2012
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Hi Well here in the northern hemisphere the days are drawing in and winter
is upon us. Autumn’s been ace though, and as busy as ever! OKFest went
better than we could have imagined, and we got so excited that we started
planning next year’s event in Geneva before we’d even left Helsinki! We’ve
also been over in Tanzania, Ghana, and South Africa helping out at the Data
Bootcamps, as well as welcoming two fab new members to the Network - Open
Knowledge Foundation France and the Open Sustainability Working Group - and
developing some new open-source
But of course all this is only possible thanks to the fantastic community
that we’re part of. As you know, the Open Knowledge Foundation is a
not-for-profit organisation, and we believe that the knowledge we’re
opening should be available freely for all to use.
*We need your support to make this happen*. *We would like you to consider
becoming an **Open Knowledge Foundation
either make a one-off donation or give a regular monthly contribution to
support our growing network.*
These funds will help us organise events, establish new local groups and
working groups, maintain websites and respond to new challenges such as Hans
Rosling’s recent plea for greater transparency around CO2
As a token of our appreciation, we are offering beautiful sets of Public
Domain Review<http://okfn.us2.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=a3f1f88a62b23f51641693977&id=5bb467eedc&e=9937c0eff2>postcards
for those who sign
Christmas (full details at
We hope you consider supporting our activities at this important time.
OKFest 2012
Wow. What a week<http://okfn.us2.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=a3f1f88a62b23f51641693977&id=f5fdfc6ab8&e=9937c0eff2>.
With over 1000 of you making the journey to Helsinki from over 50 different
countries, 12,000 viewers on the online video streams, and 214,000 shares
of our OKFestival Slideshare presentation, OKFestival 2012 was truly a
remarkable moment in the history of the movement. If you haven’t seen them
yet, you should check out the keynotes such as the fantastic one given by Hans
plus you’re welcome to browse the video
It was the first ever event to address open knowledge on such a scale, and
its resounding success has assured us that we simply have to do it again. A
Finnish open knowledge organisation, Open Knowledge Foundation Finland,
will be founded to build on the OKFest buzz there, and next year’s event
will take place in Geneva, in partnership with Swiss organisers. The year
2014 is up for grabs, so do get in touch <info at okfn.org> if you reckon you
know where it should be!
(Some of) What We’ve Been Up To
A warm welcome to our *two newest members*! The brand new local group for
already been attracting
and our new Open Sustainability Working
already notched up over 100 members. It's ace to see fresh ideas being
carried forward. Get involved!
We were really pleased to be able to support and contribute to the *Data
Bootcamps* which took place last
in Tanzania, South Africa and Ghana. The Bootcamps aim to provide
hands-on training for citizens and journalists in countries with open
government policies, so that the data released can actually be useful.
The *OpenSpending team* have brought us another great development, in the
shape of a reporting
help journalists and analysts to pick the freshest and best
spending data to work with when exploring the UK central government
expenditure. Meanwhile our German Chapter, *Open Knowledge Foundation
Deutschland*, launched its new tool, Stadt Land
an incubator to create digital tools for Citizens. Check out this
Julia Kloiber discussing the project.
And the ever-busy *Open Economics Working Group* held a Data Party in
Berlin, where they began work on creating a Failed Bank
The US is currently the only place that keeps a record of its failed banks
- something the Open Economics folk are planning to change.
(A bit of) What You’ve Been Up To
Europeana, of which we are a partner, announced a really exciting data
the metadata for over 20 million cultural heritage from its repository has
been opened. It’s the biggest ever one-time dedication of cultural data to
the public domain, and as such marks a major step forward towards a
Cultural Commons.
We’re always very pleased to see our work being put to use by others, so it
was ace to hear from the Fenyman's Flowers
UCL and the ForestWatchers.net
have each been using
different ends: to unlock the secrets of magnetism, and to monitor the
destruction of our rainforests.
It was super interesting to hear about some fascinating developments in the
medical sphere, where questions around the efficacy of the leading anti-flu
drugs is driving demands for open data from all clinical
And a couple of cool developments in open government data, with new
features for Parltrack<http://okfn.us2.list-manage2.com/track/click?u=a3f1f88a62b23f51641693977&id=b2a486d0aa&e=9937c0eff2>making
it possible to track and monitor the EU amendment process, and some
super-scraping making Congress data back to 1973 available to
Ideas and Musings
In case you missed it, here’s some of the stuff we’ve been thinking about
*Rufus Pollock* called on Creative Commons to drop their No Derivatives and
Non-Commercial licenses<http://okfn.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=a3f1f88a62b23f51641693977&id=4e6c1b6540&e=9937c0eff2>,
which he argued “prevent CC licensed works forming a unified open digital
commons that everyone is free to use, reuse and redistribute”
*Guillermo Moncecchi*, from the Montevideo city administration, described
his vision of a public digital
and explained why governments have just as great a responsibility to its
maintenance as they do to fixing your street.
*Francis Irving*, CEO of
work of legislation.gov.uk<http://okfn.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=a3f1f88a62b23f51641693977&id=4bc991a7f1&e=9937c0eff2>,
which he argued is the world’s first real commercial open data curation
project, and ought to be imitated far and wide.
And Open Access Week, from October 22 to 28, produced a flurry of
challenging articles from around the Open Knowledge Foundation,
including *Martin
Weller's* piece, “The Great Open Access
and *Peter Murray-Rust *who questioned the openness of the Open Access
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*Pierre Chrzanowski*
Skype: pierre.chrzanowski // Twitter : piezanowski
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