[OKFN-FR] [euopendata] [ITRE Nov 29th] PSI votes on Open Formats tomorrow at EUparl 10am
Boyan Yurukov
yurukov at gmail.com
Wed Nov 28 17:51:37 UTC 2012
The accepted idea for other resolutions is to use "technology neutral"
format as a requirement. MEP Kalfin who is the reporter for this PSI change
for the EP is however now convinced that that term can be easily molded by
propriatery providers. He stateed several times on opendata events in
Bulgaria, that he would recommend the open standards approach. The question
is if the ohers will follow.
On Nov 28, 2012 6:18 PM, "Benjamin Ooghe-Tabanou" <b.ooghe at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> As you all probably know, PSI directive is being revised regarding
> reuse soon at the European Parliament. Tomorrow at 10am
> <
> http://www.europarl.europa.eu/committees/en/itre/draft-agendas.html?linkedDocument=true&ufolderComCode=ITRE&ufolderLegId=7&ufolderId=11208&urefProcYear=&urefProcNum=&urefProcCode=#menuzone
> >,
> the ITRE comittee will discuss it and will vote among other things on
> amendments defining what open formats are.
> We just sent to all MEPs from the commitee (cf
> <https://memopol.lqdn.fr/search/?q=committees:ITRE%20is_active:1>) a
> note explaining why we believe it is important to ensure this
> definition includes a reference to requiring machine-readable (vote
> for compromise amendment 18) and an open development process (vote for
> amendement 65 from Amelia Andersdotter):
> <
> http://www.regardscitoyens.org/documents/20121128-RegardsCitoyens-PSI-reuse-open-formats.pdf
> >
> We believe this is a very important matter for OpenData so we call on
> all of you to maybe help us on this advocacy run till tomorrow
> morning.
> An efficient way to participate to this work would be to send priorily
> emails or tweets to the ALDE or PPE members of the ITRE commitee in
> order to advise them to vote for compromise amendement 18 and
> amendment 65.
> <https://twitter.com/search/realtime?q=%23PSI&src=typd>
> Good evening and good luck to us all! ;)
> Benjamin Ooghe-Tabanou for Regards Citoyens
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