[OKFN-FR] New Resource: "Where Does Europe's Money Go? A Guide to EU Budget Data Sources"

Cédric Lombion cedric.lombion at gmail.com
Mon Jul 6 11:12:17 UTC 2015

J'ai vu et parcouru, good job!

Cédric Lombion
Project and Community Coordinator
Open Knowledge France
@clombion / +33 673 863 914

2015-07-06 9:44 GMT+02:00 Pierre Chrzanowski <pierre.chrzanowski at gmail.com>:

> Bonjour à tous,
> Open Knowledge a publié il y a quelques jours un guide sur les fonds
> européens et les sources de données correspondantes. *Voir message de
> Jonathan Gray ci-dessous.*
> J'ai eu le plaisir de participer à ce rapport, en collaboration avec
> Elisabeth Druel, et j'espère qu'il vous sera utile dans votre compréhension
> et votre exploration des données budgétaires pour l'Union Européenne.
> Enfin, ce guide a vocation à devenir une ressource participative. Tout le
> contenu (rapport, dataviz, jeux de données) est ainsi publié sur github et
> éditable par tous.
> Pierre Chrzanowski
> Membre Open Knowledge France
> ---------- Forwarded message ---------
> [Apologies for cross-posting!]
> Hi all,
> We've just released a new resource: *"Where Does Europe's Money Go? A
> Guide to EU Budget Data Sources"*.
> Any help in forwarding this on to relevant civil society organisations,
> journalists or others who are interested in this topic would be very much
> appreciated:
>    - Blog post:
>    http://blog.okfn.org/2015/07/02/where-does-europes-money-go/
>    - Tweet: https://twitter.com/OKFN/status/616577063278014464
> The PDF version is here
> <http://community.openspending.org/resources/eu/pdf/WhereDoesEuropesMoneyGo.pdf>,
> web version here <http://community.openspending.org/resources/eu/>,
> spreadsheet of EU funds here
> <https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/1/d/1tkKxRlkW60-ylxdvxGkMlMq8BS4SRPR4QoEd72qgFwQ/pubhtml>,
> and text from the blog post is inline below.
> As it says in the blog post, we hope this will become a living resource
> that we can continue to expand and update. If anyone has any comments or
> suggestions for things to add, we’d love to hear from you
> <https://discuss.okfn.org/t/new-resource-where-does-europes-money-go-a-guide-to-eu-budget-data-sources/454>
> !
> All the best,
> Jonathan
> ####
> The EU has committed to spending *€959,988 billion* between 2014 and
> 2020. This money is disbursed through over *80 funds and programmes* that
> are managed by over *100 different authorities*. Where does this money
> come from? How is it allocated? And how is it spent?
> Today we are delighted to announce the release of *“Where Does Europe’s
> Money Go? A Guide to EU Budget Data Sources”
> <http://community.openspending.org/resources/eu/>*, which aims to help
> civil society groups, journalists and others to navigate the vast landscape
> of documents and datasets in order to “follow the money” in the EU. The
> guide also suggests steps that institutions should take in order to enable
> greater democratic oversight of EU public finances. It was undertaken by
> Open Knowledge with support from the Adessium Foundation
> <http://www.adessium.org/mission/>.
> [image: Where Does Europe's Money Go?]
> <http://community.openspending.org/resources/eu/pdf/WhereDoesEuropesMoneyGo.pdf>
>    - Download the PDF
>    <http://community.openspending.org/resources/eu/pdf/WhereDoesEuropesMoneyGo.pdf>
>     version.
>    - <http://community.openspending.org/resources/eu/>Read online
>    <http://community.openspending.org/resources/eu/> on the OpenSpending
>    website.
>    - Explore our spreadsheet
>    <https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/1/d/1tkKxRlkW60-ylxdvxGkMlMq8BS4SRPR4QoEd72qgFwQ/pubhtml> of
>    different EU funds.
> As we have seen from projects like Farm Subsidy
> <http://datajournalismhandbook.org/1.0/en/getting_data_2.html> and journalistic
> collaborations around the EU Structural Funds
> <http://datajournalismhandbook.org/1.0/en/case_studies_1.html> it can be
> very difficult and time-consuming to put together all of the different
> pieces needed to understand flows of EU money.
> Groups of journalists on these projects have spent many months requesting,
> scraping, cleaning and assembling data to get an overview of just a handful
> of the many different funds and programmes through which EU money is spent.
> The analysis of this data has led to many dozens of news stories
> <http://farmsubsidy.openspending.org/news/media/>, and in some cases even criminal
> investigations <http://eutransparency.org/a-family-affair/>.
> Better data, documentation, advocacy and journalism around EU public money
> is vital to addressing the “democratic deficit” in EU fiscal policy. To
> this end, we make the following recommendations to EU institutions and
> civil society organisations:
>    1. *Establish a single central point of reference* for data and
>    documents about EU revenue, budgeting and expenditure and ensure all the
>    information is up to date at this domain (e.g. at a website such as
>    ec.europa.eu/budget). At the same time, ensure all EU budget data are
>    available from the EU open data portal as open data.
>    2. *Create an open dataset with key details about each EU fund*,
>    including name of the fund, heading, policy, type of management,
>    implementing authorities, link to information on beneficiaries, link to
>    legal basis in Eur-Lex and link to regulation in Eur-Lex.
>    3. *Extend the Financial Transparency System to all EU funds* by
>    integrating or federating detailed data expenditures from Members States,
>    non-EU Members and international organisations. Data on beneficiaries
>    should include, when relevant, a unique European identifier of company, and
>    when the project is co-financed, the exact amount of EU funding received
>    and the total amount of the project.
>    4. *Clarify and harmonise the legal framework regarding transparency
>    rules* for the beneficiaries of EU funds.
>    5. *Support and strengthen funding for civil society groups and
>    journalists* working on EU public finances.
>    6. *Conduct a more detailed assessment of beneficiary data
>    availability* for all EU funds and for all implementing authorities –
>    e.g., through a dedicated “open data audit”.
>    7. *Build a stronger central base of evidence about the uses and users
>    of EU fiscal data* – including data projects, investigative journalism
>    projects and data users in the media and civil society.
> Our intention is that the material in this report will become a living
> resource that we can continue to expand and update. If you have any
> comments or suggestions, we’d love to hear from you
> <https://discuss.okfn.org/c/openspending>.
> If you are interested in learning more about Open Knowledge’s other
> initiatives around open data and financial transparency you can explore the Where
> Does My Money Go? <http://wheredoesmymoneygo.org/> project, the
> OpenSpending <https://openspending.org/> project, read our other previous guides
> and reports <http://community.openspending.org/resources/> or join the Follow
> the Money <http://followthemoney.net/> network.
> --
> Jonathan Gray
> Director of Policy and Research | *@jwyg <https://twitter.com/jwyg>*
> Open Knowledge <http://okfn.org/>
> *okfn.org <http://okfn.org/> | @okfn <http://twitter.com/OKFN>*
> --
> NB: Default reply is to whole group.
> For more info see www.followthemoney.net and follow @FTM_Network
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