[Okfn-francophone] Annonce importante concernant la liste OKFN-francophone

Pierre Chrzanowski pierre.chrzanowski at gmail.com
Thu Jan 30 07:35:29 UTC 2020

Bonjour à tous,

vous recevez ce message car vous êtes inscrit à la liste de diffusion

*À partir de demain 31 Janvier 2020 cette liste sera désactivée et son
contenu archivé.**

Voir ci-dessous le message d'Open Knowledge Foundation en anglais pour plus

Si vous souhaitez continuer à vous informer sur les données ouvertes dans
l'espace francophone plusieurs autres listes et forums existent :

   - Forum Open Knowledge Foundation avec groupes thématiques :
   - Forum sur les données ouvertes en Afrique francophone :
   - Forum sur les données ouvertes en France : https://teamopendata.org/

Nous vous invitons à nous rejoindre sur ces listes ou à nous suggérer
d'autres listes d'intérêt pour les données ouvertes.


Pierre Chrzanowski, pour Open Knowledge France

(*) Les archives seront mises en ligne très prochainement sur http://okfn.fr

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Open Knowledge Foundation <network at okfn.org>
Date: Fri, Nov 15, 2019 at 12:21 PM
Subject: Open Knowledge Foundation: Important announcement regarding the
mailing list(s) you manage

Important announcement regarding OKF mailing lists
View this email in your browser

Re: Mailman mailing list: okfn-fr

Dear OKF friend,

In the past, we used mailing lists to communicate across various Open
Knowledge Foundation projects. Some of these projects remain active and
have a lively community and some have become inactive or evolved into
something different. According to the mailing list database, you are a
(co-)owner, that’s why we’ve contacted you regarding this topic.

We are currently restructuring our support services, and one of the first
actions of this restructure is reducing the number of mailing lists we
host. We will close out the lists by January 31st, 2020.

This decision has come about for three reasons:

   1. Managing the mailing lists and keeping the infrastructure up to date
   represents an effort in terms of resources and administration time that
   Open Knowledge Foundation is unable to meet going forward.
   2. GDPR: EU legislation now requires us to have an active and current
   knowledge of the data held on our websites, as well as the consent of the
   subscribers regarding the use of their personal data, to ensure GDPR
   compliance. Unfortunately, Mailman mailing lists don’t comply with this
   Directive, which means we can’t use this tool any more.
   3. We are currently implementing a new strategy within Open Knowledge
   Foundation which will focus the organisation on several key themes, namely
   Education, Health and Work. We want to keep fostering conversations but let
   groups choose what the best platform is for that.

As we close out the lists, there are a couple of things that we would like
to ask of you:

   1. Please reply to us and acknowledge that this change will happen. In
   case you’re not the right contact, please point us to who should make
   decisions about this mailing list.
   2. If you would like to switch the discussion to our forums at
   *https://discuss.okfn.org* <https://discuss.okfn.org/>, let us know and
   we can help you to set up a dedicated category. This platform helps keep
   things open and allows the whole network to follow along, participate, and
   stay informed. If you like, we could start a new forum category for the
   topic of your mailing list to continue the discussion there.
   3. If you would like to involve other people in this discussion, please
   forward to them and cc me.
   4. We will be keeping an archive of all lists, but currently do not plan
   to keep this public. If you require a copy for your own records, please let
   us know.

Yours sincerely,
*Open Knowledge Foundation*

This email was sent to pierre.chrzanowski at gmail.com
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