[okfn-help] Software Club Proposal #1 (Draft #1) WAS: KForge community development

Rufus Pollock rufus.pollock at okfn.org
Thu Jun 18 20:52:43 BST 2009

I think this is nice but if we are, e.g., thinking of writing to
people on kforge-user I think we want a pretty simple 1 para intro
explaining what's going on with the detail as further reading below
the fold. For example:

For the last 4 years the costs of developing KForge have been borne
Open Knowledge Foundation in association with the ASF.

In order to support the development of KForge into the future we are
now creating a KForge "software club" as a mechanism for sharing the
costs of development and guiding that process. (We should emphasize
that KForge will, of course, remain open-source software.)

[might then include some of the sharing section here ...]

Please take a look at the club proposal outlined below and let us know
what you think.



2009/6/18 John Bywater <john.bywater at appropriatesoftware.net>:
> Hi Rufus,
> Assuming there are no more proposals at the moment, we can begin to assemble
> the club prospectus. Not sure exactly what it should say, but here's a
> draft.
> Best wishes,
> John.
> -----------------------------
> Valid Until: [3 months from date of release]
> Service desk: http://wiki.okfn.org/ServiceDesk
> This proposal presents the new proposals of the Open Knowledge Software
> Club.
> Each proposal is summarised with statements of the purpose, planned benefit,
> and expected cost.
> You are invited to contribute to any proposals you consider beneficial.
> The club seeks only to share the costs of the proposals between those who
> appreciate the benefits.
> You are asked firstly to indicate which proposals you consider to be of
> benefit. The club will then attempt to share the cost of each proposal
> equally between those who indicate benefit.
> If equal shares aren't possible, the club will try to achieve a consensus
> between contributors for an adjustment to the proposal, or for an unequal
> sharing of the cost.
> Contributors to proposals will receive regular reports on the progress of
> the proposals. The status of each proposal will also be published on the
> service desk, and updated as contributions are agreed and as work proceeds.
> Proposal #1
> Purpose: To complete KForge software development milestone v1.0b.
> Benefit: A more secure, more technically accessible KForge.
> Cost: 10 days (software engineering) £2000
> Proposal #2
> Purpose: To complete KForge software development milestone v1.0.
> Benefit: Stable KForge v1.0 packaged for major OS distributions.
> Cost: 10 days (software engineering) £2000
> Proposal #3
> Purpose: To provide knowledgeforge.net software service for 12 months.
> Benefit: An open service for open knowledge development
> Cost: 10 days (service execution management) £2000
> Proposal #4
> Purpose: To host the KForge/OK club for 12 months.
> Benefit: Network of sponsors; routine for circulating proposals.
> Cost: 5 days (club hosting) £1000
> 1. Costs assume an estimated professional fee rate of £200 per day.
> 2. Currently proposed work will be entirely performed by the Appropriate
> Software Foundation and the Open Knowledge Foundation.

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