[okfn-help] knowledgeforge.net issues (missing Trac file?)

John Bywater john.bywater at appropriatesoftware.net
Fri Sep 11 13:19:04 BST 2009

Just noticed (again) that when accessing the KForge Trac on 
KnowledgeForge, the server was sometimes giving me three basic auth pops 
when accessing this page of the KForge Trac service.


On investigation, firebug tells me that this is not found:


This confirmed when I try to access the resource independently. Although 
watching what happens in firebug is mildly amusing.... I'm sure it's 
quite repeatable. I guess there's really a file missing?

But (if I press the 'cancel' button on the basic auth pop-up) firebug 
also says that these are forbidden:


This does not repeat when accessing the resources independently, just 
when they are loaded as part of (e.g.) the changeset page above. Which 
suggests Firefox sends different requests? Or at least they are 
appearing differently by the time they hit the KForge access controller 
on KnowledgeForge.

Anyway, I did that twice with the above results (the first time firebug 
was disabled). However, on the fourth loading of the changeset page, the 
jquery.js file is suddenly unauthorized (no longer not found), the 
topbar_gradient2.png is OK (but the topbar_gradient.png is
triggering the basic auth). Another independent call to the jquery 
location indicates that the resource is still not found. Strange.

Perhaps it would make good sense to change KnowlegeForge.net to allow 
access to Trac media, without checking the KForge access controller? 
It's all public material, and it's slow (and clearly error prone) to 
control access for each call. I don't think that's already coded into 
the "kforge.plugin.trac.Plugin" class.


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