[okfn-help] help with mailing lists

Jonathan Gray jonathan.gray at okfn.org
Thu Jan 28 13:18:10 GMT 2010

Sorry, I did this yesterday but still wrestling with email pile:


Do you know how to administrate (password, etc)? If not email me (off
list) and I can fill you in...

Yes I think we may (reasonably) need another geo list.

What do you think about starting by carbon copying relevant people
into an email? Means (unfortunately) we don't have a public log, but
in my experience there is something about CC'ing people that often
encourages quite a good response rate. We can perhaps do this until we
build up momentum. (E.g. with regular calls, bits of projects, etc.)

Then, can create list (e.g. open-geodata, like open-government,
open-science, etc.) for Working Group and other interested parties.


On Thu, Jan 28, 2010 at 2:11 PM, Rufus Pollock <rufus.pollock at okfn.org> wrote:
> Sorry for delay Jo!
> On 25 January 2010 22:22, Jo Walsh <jo at frot.org> wrote:
>> dear all,
>> I would like some help - I want to start a mailing list. I also don't want
>> to start another mailing list. So. Simple, practical bit first:
>> edinburgh at lists.okfn.org - this is for organising a mini-OKCon in Edinburgh.
> I'd suggest naming ok-edinburgh to keep with previous list naming
> policies for "local" lists :)
>> If it turned into a news list that would be fine with me too.
>> Who should I nudge to help set this up - Martin, James...?
> Jonathan, myself or most the sysadmins should have the info ;) (it's
> standard ...)
>> Okay, here goes the tortuous bit:
>> I already am list owner for two open geodata mailing lists... why would I
>> want to start a third one?
> [...]
> Justifications aren't needed from someone such as yourself :)
> Rufus
> --
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Jonathan Gray

Community Coordinator
The Open Knowledge Foundation

Twitter/Identica: jwyg

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