[okfn-help] Latest work to fix javascript issues with timeline etc

Rufus Pollock rufus.pollock at okfn.org
Fri Jul 16 19:12:47 BST 2010

On 11 July 2010 13:09, Nick Stenning <nickstenning at gmail.com> wrote:
> Ok,
> I've just pushed some changes[1] which should address this. I don't
> quite know why I never did this before, but we're now using the JSLoad

We now curse ourselves for the many days spent battling browser weridness :)

> callbacks to instantiate the controllers rather than relying on
> ondomready events. It appears to be *much* more reliable, and while
> I'm hesitant to suggest we've solved the problem, I'm unable to make
> any of the pages *fail* to load in Safari, Firefox or Chrome.

All works for me :) Many hurrahs!! Amazing stuff Nick. I've now
deployed to the main site and ran into issue which is that in
production mode (with javascript caching) did not seem to work in
chrome (worked in firefox though but that may be browser caching ...).
I've switched to dev mode for the time being and it works fine.

Beyond this only real remaining significant bug before going for a big
announce is issues around the editing of location in map:

Because of way map is set up (it stores factlet info) saving map item
seems to overwrite any changes made to other factlet attributes. This
is probably a simple fix in the short-term and in the medium-term i
guess we should bind map widget to the actual feature rather than
whole factlet ...

Anyway congratulations again on getting this working.


> -N
> [1]: http://knowledgeforge.net/microfacts/hg/rev/41b5393967dc
> On Sun, Jul 4, 2010 at 11:24, Rufus Pollock <rufus.pollock at okfn.org> wrote:
>> Dear Nick,
>> I've deployed the new simileajax and timeline stuff to
>> http://assets.okfn.org/ext/simile/* (on s3).
>> [...]

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