[okfn-help] Buddypress - nearly there

Rufus Pollock rufus.pollock at okfn.org
Tue Sep 21 12:23:08 BST 2010

On 21 September 2010 11:39, Stefanie Doll <stefie.doll at googlemail.com> wrote:
> Hello Rufus,
> This is great and I'm sorry for the radio silence (it has just been
> too busy!). I am coming to Berlin end of next week (around the 1st)
> and perhaps we can have a proper catchup and website code sprint
> session ...
> That sounds great. We should do it! I'll be in Berlin at the beginning of
> october.
> Also worth cc'ing this stuff to okfn-help so others can see what
> progress we (or rather you!) are making.
> I'll write a quick update to the help (discuss?)-list this evening.

okfn-help is best for the moment ...

> Can I add the bp-okfn child-theme to the okfn bitbucket account, or do you
> have to do it?
> My one question here is to what extent can we put the buddypress into
> our existing okfn theme -- i.e. can we have the buddypress stuff in
> there
> The new bp-okfn childtheme is our existing okfn-theme merged with the
> bp-2010 theme + a custom CSS i wrote last week (buddypress.css). All I did
> was putting the buddypress files into our theme. I just didn't want to
> overwrite our existing theme before you give your OK.
> The only thing i changed is the style.css. The buddypress 2010 childtheme I
> used doesn't inherit the complete style.css from the 2010 theme (like we
> did). The person who wrote it just copied the important parts of the 2010
> style.css into a new css file and put it into the bp-2010 childtheme
> folder.  When merging our theme with the bp-2010 child-theme, I had to
> decide which way i'm doing it and I've chosen to keep the general .css file
> that was included in the bp-2010 child-theme.

If we could possibly be cross-compatible I think that would be better
-- i.e. can we change to have our buddypress theme inherit from the
twentyten in the same way our main theme does. This would also mean it
is a realistic possible to merge all of this into one theme (which
would be much better -- otherwise we have to maintain two versions

> (and not use it if buddypress plugin is not installed/activated)
> Yes, the 'new' theme also works if buddypress is not installed.
> or do we need a completely separate theme.
> We don't need a completely seperate theme, I was just thinking that it might
> be a good idea to keep a version of our theme without the buddypress files
> as a backup...

I don't think we need to keep it separately (we can always tag the
mercurial revision where we last had the non-buddypress theme -- or
even create a mercurial branch, though that is getting complicated).

> The CSS for the okfn-buddypress theme is more or less done (buddypress.css).
> I uploaded the bp-okfn theme to staging.okfn.org and activated it, but it
> still needs some testing. Did you have a look at it already?
> Looks good. Clearly, as you say the profile pages could do with some
> prettifying but I think we should release early, release often here
> (after all it does work and we'll fix stuff quickly once people start
> complaining ...)
> Ok.
> As soon as I'm done, i'd like to ask the people on the discuss list to sign
> up for an account on staging.okfn.org and test all the features (sending
> mails, creating groups, signing up for blogs/groups, sending/deleting
> messages, make friends, change their Profiles etc.) to see if everything is
> working correctly before we activate buddypress on okfn.org.
> OK. Let's plan this part together. I think it might be better to dive
> straight in on okfn.org (we can always fix things and this way people
> don't have to sign up twice ...)
> Shall we talk about it/ do it next week when you're here, then?

Yes, I think that's a good idea (Jonathan and others will also be around ...)


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