[okfn-help] Migration of the OKFN blogfarm to Page.ly on Wednesday; blog issues

Nils Toedtmann nils.toedtmann at okfn.org
Fri Aug 3 16:45:03 UTC 2012

Hi *,

Bobby and i will migrate our Wordpress blog farm (s053.okserver.org aka
blogfarm.okserver.org aka *.okfn.org) to the dedicated wordpress
provider Page.ly on

  Wednesday, August 8th

starting after 14:00 BST. The blog sites should be available mostly, but
they will be in read-only mode for some time. Progress of the migration
will be tracked here


We will reset all passwords during the migration. You might want to
check your blog profile *now* that it has your correct mail address, so
you can retrieve a new password afterwards.


FYI: We have been fighting a number of issues with our blog farm
recently. They will hopefully be resolved with the migration, or shortly

 * Our database server is suffering from a daily load peak around 17-18h
BST. This slows down th eblog farm.

 * Public domain review had gone viral and attracted unprecedented
amounts of traffic

 * A security incident has forced us to upgrade and stricten permission
settings, which had some side effects on functionality.

We will inform you when the migration is done and the blog farm is in
production mode again. If you find issues thereafter, let us know, e.g.
on IRC (#okfn on FreeNode).

Cheers /nils.

See http://nils.toedtmann.net/ for contact details.

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