[okfn-help] OKFN Website Sprint

Sam Leon sam.leon at okfn.org
Tue Jun 12 11:05:14 UTC 2012

Hi All,

On *Friday 22nd June* Joris, Sam Smith and I are going to be fixing and
culling various things on the http://okfn.org which despite it's shiny new
re-design still isn't quite as we'd like it to be.

Such as:

* Out of date photos
* Broken links
* Defunct projects

We've got a list of issues on a GitHub issue tracker:


When you're using the site over the next week please add
issues<https://github.com/okfn/okfn.org/issues>about anything you find
unsatisfactory or broken that should be resolved.

Thanks for your help!

Sam Leon
Community Coordinator
Open Knowledge Foundation
Twitter: @noeL_maS
Skype: samedleon
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