[Okfn-irl] [Saturday, June 7th] OGP Jam

Denis Parfenov denis.parfenov at openknowledge.ie
Wed Jun 4 10:17:07 UTC 2014

**Apologies for cross-posting and for short notice* *

Hello All -

As you may know the draft of the 1st Irish OGP National Action Plan
(NAP) was unveiled during the OGP Europe meeting in Dublin on May 8th 2014.
The document, in PDF format, is "open" for commenting via e-mail (!!!) till
6th June.

So, what can we do at this stage to try to make NAP more concrete and

In the spirit of the OGP principles of citizen engagement and
participation, Open Knowledge <https://www.openknowledge.ie/>Ireland
<https://www.openknowledge.ie/>, with support of the OGP
<http://www.opengovpartnership.org/>, will be holding an OGPJam on
Saturday, 7th June (reg page

The idea is that we generate prototypes and requirements that can be shared
with  the Government Reform Unit (DPER) who is looking after the OGP
process and informs Minister Howlin who will be announcing the final Action

What are we planning to do?

   - Create a web-tool which would allow
      - to visualise the progress towards reaching the Irish OGP
      - to generate automated quarterly reports
   - Shape the Action Plan in a format which could be useful, readable and
      - to assign partner organisations
      - to make commitments SMART (specific, measurable, achievable,
      relevant and timebound) wherever possible
   - create a roadmap for 2014-2016
   - to benchmark the Irish commitments against commitments generated

*I hope you can find an opportunity to join us in person or to contribute

Date: *Saturday, 7th June 2014 *
Time: *10:00-18:00*
Venue: *Guinness Enterprise Centre, Taylor's Lane, Dublin 8, Ireland*
Registration page: *https://ti.to/open-knowledge-ireland/ogp-jam-2014
Twitter hashtags: #OGPjam #OGPirl #OGPDublin

** We are thankful to Microsoft Ireland for supporting this event.**

Best regards,
Denis Parfenov

Open Knowledge Ambassador for Ireland / Co-Founder, Open Knowledge Ireland

m: +353863850044 | @prfnv <https://twitter.com/prfnv> [.org
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