[okfn-it] Fwd: Are you coming to Open Government Data Camp 2011?
Ernesto Belisario
edu a ernestobelisario.eu
Lun 3 Ott 2011 19:22:11 UTC
Come ho già comunicato a Jonathan, io ci sarò il 21.
Il 03/10/11 12.48, Federico Morando ha scritto:
> Carissimi,
> sulla base di quanto discusso durante la call di sett. scorsa, scrivo
> che darò un breve update sulla situazione italiana (eventualmente
> insieme ad altri presenti, es. Michele)?
> Grazie e ciao,
> Federico
> -------- Original Message --------
> Subject: Are you coming to Open Government Data Camp 2011?
> Date: Mon, 3 Oct 2011 12:17:59 +0200
> From: Daniel Dietrich <daniel.dietrich a okfn.org>
> Reply-To: ogdcamp <info a ogdcamp.org>
> To: ogdcamp <info a ogdcamp.org>
> Hi,
> As you're on the Open Government Data Camp 2011 Steering Committee,
> I'm writing to check whether you are able to make it in person to the
> event.
> In particular, I'm writing to check whether you'd like to give a talk
> at the camp. If so please send us a brief abstract at your earliest
> convenience so we can put it in the programme. If you're planning to
> run a workshop or satellite event, again, please let us know!
> Also if you or anyone else you know is able to write, blog, tweet or
> email colleagues about the event - now is the time! There are just
> over 3 weeks left until the camp.
> Finally if you haven't already registered, we'd appreciate if you
> could do so as soon as possible. By registering you are helping us to
> keep track of numbers, and helping to cover the costs of venue and
> equipment hire:http://ogdcamp.org/register
> All the best,
> Daniel
> --
> Daniel Dietrich
> The Open Knowledge Foundation
> Promoting Open Knowledge in a Digital Age
> www.okfn.org -www.opendefinition.org
> www.ddie.me
> twitter.com/ddie
> +49 171 780 870 3
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Avv. Prof. Ernesto Belisario
Presidente Associazione Italiana per l'Open Government
Presidente Circolo Giuristi Telematici
Segretario Generale Istituto Politiche Innovazione
Studio Legale Belisario
Piazza Grazioli n. 18
00186 - ROMA
Tel. +39.06.62208112
Fax +39.06.62204677
Cell: ask if you need it
E-mail: edu a ernestobelisario.eu
PEC: ernesto.belisario a pec.studiobelisario.it
Web: http://www.ernestobelisario.eu
Skype: studiobelisario
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