[okfn-dev] Introduction

Aron Carroll aron.carroll.lists at googlemail.com
Tue Feb 22 17:48:49 UTC 2011

Hi all,

I just wanted to introduce myself to the group. I'm currently working on the JavaScript Annotator with Rufus. For those that are unaware of the project there's a brief overview on the project website, http://annotateit.org/.

Currently we're looking to get the Annotator to version 1.0. This has involved reviewing holes in the documentation and improving the error handling as well as starting work on a "bookmarklet" that will allow users to add annotations to any webpage storing them remotely on annotateit.org.

We've a list of issues up on the project page on GitHub, https://github.com/okfn/annotator/issues, should anyone be interested in following the project.


Aron Carroll, Front-end Developer
http://aroncarroll.com • 07790 940606

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