[okfn-dev] Annotator update.

Jessy Kate jessy.cowansharp at gmail.com
Mon Feb 28 21:58:07 UTC 2011

Wow, very awesome!

It would be cool if annotateit.org provided an API to a user's annotations
so they could be extracted /displayed /integrated into other sites (eg. a
user's open lab book, for example ). Any plans along those lines?

-- Sent from my phone
On Feb 28, 2011 1:15 PM, "Aron Carroll" <aron.carroll.lists at gmail.com>
> Hi all,
> Just thought I'd post another update on the status of the Annotator. This
last week we've focused on updating the permissions plugin to make it more
flexible. Also the UI of the annotator has been updated to make it a little
nicer to use and to accommodate plugins adding additional fields.
> The bookmarklet is now hooked up to a staging version of the annotator
store. There's a basic version up on a test page if anyone is interested, it
currently saves annotations to a staging server.
> http://dl.dropbox.com/u/246391/bookmarklet/demo.html
> Feedback on the UI would be appreciated. It's already been noted that the
initial disclosure of the edit/delete buttons on the annotation viewer is
confusing and that it's not clear the editor is draggable (by dragging the
dark grey bar).
> This week will be focused on getting the bookmarklet working with user
accounts on annotateit.org as well as fixing the style bleed that occurs
when it's injected into some sites. There’s also now a sparse [wiki](
https://github.com/okfn/annotator/wiki) up on the GitHub page for
documentation for users and plugin developers. So we’ll be adding to that
> Cheers,
> Aron
> --
> Aron Carroll, Front-end Developer
> http://aroncarroll.com • 07790 940606
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