[okfn-labs] Salary Converter

Nigel Babu nigelbabu at gmail.com
Tue Aug 28 09:16:51 UTC 2012

Hi there!

Over the the last weekend, I built something from Get The Data
Challenge [1].  It's a Salary Converter app[2] which uses purchasing
power parity to calculate equivalent salary in another country.  It is
currently running on my server and the website has links to the code
and the data that I'm using to run the calculations.  I'd like to do
more, with maps, but I don't think I'll get to it this week, so I
thought I might as well let you guys know.

Feedback/Suggestions/Criticisms welcome!

[1] http://wiki.okfn.org/Get_The_Data_Challenge#Cost_of_living_...
[2] http://salaryconverter.nigelb.me/


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