[okfn-labs] Data Transformer renamed to Data Explorer http://explorer.datahub.io/ - plus lots of improvements

Daniel Lombraña González teleyinex at gmail.com
Thu Dec 13 11:55:03 UTC 2012

Hi there,

I'm testing it right now and I've found that when you select the time field
for the charts, Flotr2 is not using the "time" format. I don't know if this
could be fixed easily, but it will be really awesome to have that feature.

Including the time format is as simple as this in any Flotr2 chart:

graph = drawGraph({                    xaxis: {
    mode: 'time',                            },

Thus, if you detect that a column is called "time", then, the chart
should use that "mode" for the chart :-)



On Wed, Dec 12, 2012 at 11:10 PM, Rufus Pollock <rufus.pollock at okfn.org>wrote:

> Hi All,
> Wanted to let people know that the data transformer [1] has seen quite
> a bit of improvement and has also been merged with the existing Data
> Explorer taking on its name and url:
> <http://explorer.datahub.io>
> <https://github.com/okfn/dataexplorer>
> [1]:
> http://okfnlabs.org/blog/2012/07/31/data-transformer-cleaning-up-data-in-the-browser.html
> Improvements:
> * Full viewer including slickgrid Grid, Leaflet map and Flotr2 graph
> (from recline multiview - this is really what the previous data
> explorer was)
> * Import data from multiple sources including gdocs, CSVs, github etc
> * It has the start of a data "Project" and workflow. The project
> includes the dataset (source), scripts (for processing the data),
> views (such as config for specific graphs and maps) [2] [3].
> In particular, info about datasets you load are stored in local
> storage so you can easily reload when you come back to the site. This
> is very rudimentary and at the moment you can only store one project
> (this can be fixed in one line but I won't get to this until next
> weekend!)
> I also plan to add support for storing scripts etc very soon (next
> would be serialization of all of this to gists or github repos).
> [2]: https://github.com/okfn/dataexplorer/issues/24
> [3]: https://github.com/okfn/dataexplorer/issues/25
> * Github login in a popup and is not required for normal use
> https://github.com/okfn/dataexplorer/issues/21
> * Direct load datasets from url parameter config which means you can
> share links for people e.g.:
> <
> http://explorer.datahub.io/?url=http://resources.opendatalabs.org/datasets/standard-and-poors-500-shiller/data/data.csv&backend=csv
> >
> NB: you cannot just link to any old CSV on the internet at the moment
> but need one on a server with CORS support (NB: s3 and google storage
> support CORS now, hurrah!). however we could fix this by adding in
> support via DataProxy ...
> * Save to github working again thanks to Martin Keegan
> Rufus
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