[okfn-labs] Open Data Census 2012

Rufus Pollock rufus.pollock at okfn.org
Fri May 18 14:15:56 UTC 2012

Hi Laura (cc'ing okfn-labs)

Agreed with you -- though I also really like the map (contributed by
Friedrich!) -- and I've already created an issue for it:



PS: I suggest going forward we keep discussion of the tech side of the
open data census here on the okfn labs list if that works for you :-)

On 18 May 2012 11:19, Laura Newman <laura.newman at okfn.org> wrote:
> Any chance we could return to the YYYNY format for displaying results of the
> Open Data Census? I note we got most responses with that display - possibly
> because it was an easy way for me (and others) to see what was missing and
> target accordingly.
> The map is good, but perhaps better either as the 'final outcome' once we
> close the survey, or as an addition to the YYYNY format (e.g. could add a
> link to 'Map these results').
> Any thoughts?
> Laura
> http://okfnlabs.org/opendatacensus/ - Tom, adding you because of labs,
> apologies if you're not actually involved in this!
> --
> Laura Newman
> Community Coordinator
> Open Knowledge Foundation
> http://okfn.org/
> Skype: lauranewmanonskype
> Twitter: @Newmanlk

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