[okfn-labs] IACC-Hackathon: FOI Reminder

Stefan Wehrmeyer stefan.wehrmeyer at okfn.org
Mon Nov 19 21:19:04 UTC 2012

Hi Labs,

I attended the International Anti-Corruption Conference Hackathon in Brasilia a couple of days ago.
Lots of good transparency and hacker vibes going on in Brazil!

I built a small app called FOI Reminder that allows users to easily make continuous FOI requests via the various existing platforms (e.g. every 3 months remind me to request the gov contracts of the last 3 months).

There are still some bugs and missing features that I will hopefully iron out this week.

Source: https://github.com/stefanw/foireminder/
Heroku-Deploy: http://foireminder.fragdenstaat.de/


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