[okfn-labs] EU Tender results data for download - sources report

Matej Kurian kurian at transparency.sk
Fri Sep 7 14:49:46 UTC 2012


as promised, here's a short summary of EU TED (tenders) data survey:

0) Official data from the EU; 
http://publications.europa.eu/official/chapter2_en.htm, EUR 3.000 per 
year/one language; "the licence holder is automatically authorised to 
reproduce TED data."
1) https://scraperwiki.com/scrapers/tedscrapper/ ; notices only, unsure 
of years; maintained by Mathieu D'Aquin <m.daquin at open.ac.uk>
2) Michael Friis (friism at gmail.com), 2003-2008 results data as "SQL 
Server mdf", plans to work on new scrapper as well
3) EU LOD2 - jakub.starka at gmail.com; working on the results scrapper; 
results due within a month or so;  generally open to discuss data sharing;
4) Euralert - Jose L. Marin (josmar at euroalert.net); results; possibly 
also notices; 2008+;  quote for one sector was EUR 1320 + VAT;

Hope this helps,

Matej Kurian
programovy koordinator
Transparency International Slovensko
kurian at transparency.sk


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