[okfn-labs] [fyi-relevant-tech] HyperDex - NoSQL with transactions and ACID ...

Daniel Lombraña González teleyinex at gmail.com
Wed Apr 3 11:37:52 UTC 2013

My only problem with wikis is that if you want everyone to participate you
will allow anonymous people to edit it. This obviously opens the door to
SPAM and you get your IT team enabling the plugins to not allow people to
edit it unless they create an account, etc, etc. This, IMHO, defeats the
goal of wikis: allow everyone to edit it.

I guess there is no perfect solution :-)



On Wed, Apr 3, 2013 at 1:34 PM, Everton Zanella Alvarenga <
everton.alvarenga at okfn.org> wrote:

> I think etherpad is great for a pontual and syncronous collaboration,
> like gdocs, but for things you don't need to think about integrity, i.
> e., keep it save from being lost.
> I still think a wiki (wiki.okfn.org?) is a good and simple way to do
> it. And it is indexed by search engines. Other sollutions that come to
> my mind are too geeky and would exclude everybody to participate.
> 2013/4/3 Daniel Lombraña González <teleyinex at gmail.com>:
> > What about Etherpad? Would that work?
> >
> > When I accessed the GDrive doc it was blank too, I thought that it was
> the
> > starting point.
> >
> > Daniel
> --
> Everton Zanella Alvarenga (also Tom)
> OKFN Brasil - Rede pelo Conhecimento Livre
> http://br.okfn.org

Por favor, NO utilice formatos de archivo propietarios para el
intercambio de documentos, como DOC y XLS, sino PDF, HTML, RTF, TXT, CSV
o cualquier otro que no obligue a utilizar un programa de un
fabricante concreto para tratar la información contenida en él.
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