[okfn-labs] Fwd: Indigo Trust Decision

Lucy Chambers lucy.chambers at okfn.org
Mon Feb 4 14:07:38 UTC 2013


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Matthew O'Reilly <matthew.oreilly at sfct.org.uk>
Date: Mon, Feb 4, 2013 at 1:51 PM
Subject: Indigo Trust Decision
To: "budgitng at gmail.com" <budgitng at gmail.com>
Cc: "Lucy Chambers (lucy.chambers at okfn.org)" <lucy.chambers at okfn.org>

Hi Oluseun and Lucy,****

** **

I hope you’re both well. I just wanted to give you both a quick heads up
that I met with the trustees last week and they have decided to award a
grant. In view of the fact that Oluseun was going to cover some staffing
costs himself, the trustees have decided to award a larger grant than
previously anticipated. I’m delighted to tell you that they have now
approved a grant of £36,800 to BudgIT for the following work:****

** **

*This project seeks improve the data visualisation skills among BudgIT’s
team and will also enable them to visualise Nigeria’s 2013 national budget,
as well as state budgets from six separate states. £20,800 would be used to
cover staff costs (a data analyst, data visualisation expert and an
in-house developer). This will enable BudgIT to undertake the above
visualisations, re-develop their website and provide improved budget data
analysis. A further £10,000 would enable BudgIT to work with the Open
Knowledge Foundation (OKFN) to host a developers’ workshop on getting,
wrangling and presenting government budget data. In addition, we would like
to provide BudgIT with £3,200 towards the cost of further visualisation
skills training to be provided by the Nigerian company, Exolve
Technologies. Finally, up to a further £2,800 would be used for platform
promotion, primarily but not exclusively through online advertising. In
total, this would be a grant of up to £36,800.*

* *

We all felt that by giving you enough to cover staffing, training and
marketing, you’d be able to achieve a much greater impact. I’ll follow up
with an official grant award letter in due course, but just wanted to share
the good news.****

** **

All the best,****

** **


* *

** **

Matthew O'Reilly (Programme Manager)****

The Indigo Trust****

The Peak****

5 Wilton Road****

London SW1V 1AP****

** **

T: (+44) (0)20 7410 7029****

Skype: mattindigo****

** **

[image: wordpress-icon] <http://indigotrust.wordpress.com/>[image:
twitter-icon] <http://twitter.com/#!/indigotrust>****

** **


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Thank you.

Lucy Chambers
Project Coordinator,
School of Data <http://schoolofdata.org/> &
Open Knowledge Foundation <http://okfn.org/>
Skype: lucyfediachambers
Twitter: @lucyfedia <https://twitter.com/#!/lucyfedia>
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