[okfn-labs] Distributing pybossa vagrant box issues

Daniel Lombraña González teleyinex at gmail.com
Mon Jul 15 07:18:44 UTC 2013

Hi José,

Vagrant is designed for deploying easily development environments locally.
The issue of deploying a virtual machine like that as a service could be

For example, PyBossa Vagrant is configured to run in debug mode, so you
will need to re-configure everything in order to make it a safe service
(check the passwords and user names, all of them are *test*). Thus, I do
not recommend you to deploy PyBossa based on that Vagrant configuration, it
has another purpose.

As you have VirtualBox, download an Ubuntu ISO, preferably the Long Term
Support one. Then, follow the installation
which is a step by step guide. Once you have it configured, then, you
can export
the Virtual Machine <http://www.virtualbox.org/manual/ch01.html#ovf>, and
import it back in the server that you want to host it. This should be
straight forward and easy to do. If you have any problems, following the
steps, please, let me know it, and I'll help you.

All the best,


PS: Note, the documentation that you were reading from Vagrant is outdated.
Vagrant is now in version 2.0.

On Sat, Jul 13, 2013 at 1:43 PM, José Félix Ontañón <felixonta at gmail.com>wrote:

> Hi pybossa-team and friends!
> I'm in a trouble trying to distribute a custom local pybossa environment.
> First, I followed the wonderful pybossa tutorial about how to deploy
> pybossa with vagrant[1]. It worked perfectly: Then I could run pybossa
> server with:
> $ vagrant ssh
> $ cd /vagrant
> $ source vagrant_start.sh
> Then I followed the vagrant-packaging tutorial[2] for distributing my
> pybossa environment on a vagrant box. Two issues came after deploying this
> box:
> (a) It didn't auto-forward the 5000 port (pybossa web server)
> (b) The /vagrant directory only has a file called Vagrantfile and not the
> pybossa server.
> Now I'm stucked ... I'm not an expert with vagrant, so I can't determine
> if this is a matter of configuring the vagrant box/environment or an issue
> with pybossa vagrant configuration.
> Does anyone would be so nice to give me a hand?
> Kind regards,
> [1] http://docs.pybossa.com/en/latest/vagrant_pybossa.html
> [2] http://docs-v1.vagrantup.com/v1/docs/getting-started/packaging.html
> --
> http://about.me/fontanon
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