[okfn-labs] Code review exchange

Tryggvi Björgvinsson tryggvi.bjorgvinsson at okfn.org
Wed Jun 5 18:17:18 UTC 2013

On mið 5.jún 2013 12:00, Dan wrote:
> That's a GREAT idea. You can add me to your list of willing reviewers. I
> know python & js well, though I have no knowledge (yet) of the
> openspending codebase.

Awesome! Thanks a lot!

I think this is a good way to dive into the code base, one patch at a
time ;-)

> From the perspective of a reviewer, what I would need to know is:
>  - what coding standards you have, or other expectations of the code
> (test coverage? comments? namespace management?)
>  - what is the practical workflow for review? [add comments to github
> pull requests?]
>  - how do I signal when I do/don't have time to contribute? [maybe this
> works if it's just "review a pull request when you have time"]
> Perhaps a (very short) "how to be a reviewer" document would be useful.

That's an awesome idea! I'll start writing a short article immediately.
I'll try to have it ready before the end of the week.

Thanks! This is really productive.


Tryggvi Björgvinsson

Technical Lead, OpenSpending

The Open Knowledge Foundation <http://okfn.org>

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