[Okfn-pt] Introduction
Arie Purwanto - TBM
A.Purwanto at tudelft.nl
Fri Jun 14 09:03:01 UTC 2019
Hi everyone!
My name is Arie Purwanto. I am a Ph.D. student at the Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands supervised by Prof.dr.ir.Marijn Janssen and Dr. Anneke Zuiderwijk and also working for the Indonesian Supreme Audit Court. I was a programmer as well as on-demand Information Systems Auditor in the latter organization for nearly 10 years.
Before doing my Ph.D., I was also involved in Kawal Pemilu, an independent citizen initiative from Indonesia to digitize the opened election results data. Currently, I am studying citizen engagement with Open Government Data (OGD). I have authored four conference papers (one is forthcoming) about OGD engagement from different aspects. You can check my profile in ResearchGate.
I look forward to inspiring discussions and exchange in this forum.
Best regards,
A. (Arie) Purwanto, M.Sc.
PhD Candidate
TU Delft
Faculty of Technology, Policy and Management
Building 31
Jaffalaan 5
2628 BX Delft
The Netherlands<https://webmail.tudelft.nl/owa/redir.aspx?C=6qO9Ui2xez0hab0ys-ExgRUGOWbhBzpORDWr37RmWZ0dXPJ3ftDUCA..&URL=http%3a%2f%2fwww.tbm.tudelft.nl%2fAZuiderwijkvanEijk>
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