[Okfn-ru] Fwd: Call for speakers for Publicamp! Rivne 2012 - barcamp about electronic public communications

Lucy Chambers lucy.chambers at okfn.org
Fri Mar 30 18:42:06 UTC 2012

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---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Anton Shynkaruk <anton.shynkaruk at gmail.com>
Date: Mon, Mar 26, 2012 at 7:47 PM
Subject: Call for speakers for Publicamp! Rivne 2012 - barcamp about
electronic public communications
To: speakers at okfn.org

Dear Sirs,

I would like to invite you to barcamp about public communications,
e-governance and new media for local communities.


Publicamp! Rivne 2012 gathers participants to meet, share their
thoughts and create community. Defined topics are the effects of
technology on public communication, fundraising, promotion, organizing
communities and more! This barcamp for non-profit organizations and
NGO leaders, designers, developers, advocacy groups, officials,
experts in the field of communication, as well as entrepreneurs and
anyone who wants to participate in the brainstorm and discover ideas
for changing the system to communicate the community, government,

We expect to hear both scientific thinking on the prospects of
e-government and social media and discussion of practical tips on how
to use new means of communication for the development of local
self-government, community, democracy, freedom, education and access
to information.

The objectives of our event are:

1) Identify current trends in new technologies and their possibilities
for management and community development;

2) Develop a community that is interested in developing new
technologies in public administration and public communications;

3) Exchange ideas and discuss best practices in the use of new media
for public communication;

4) Create projects and work with open data

Key theme:

- E-government projects in cities

- New technologies for transport

- Improving the information exchange in cities and regions

- Social networking initiative

- Open data for municipal and regional government

- Social media and crowdsourcing

- Public campaigns and social media

- Electronic technology in ecology

- Public services 2.0

- Digital literacy

- Smart Cities

- Government2business

- Legal regulation and protection of personal information

The format of the event is barcamp where any participant can propose a
theme for discussion, to present their own project.

We hope to see you May 11, 2012. You can register for the barcamp
http://publicamprivne.qrickets.com/ (in Ukrainian).

Official site of the event http://publicamp.gu.ma/ (in Ukrainian) or
just e-mail pcamprivne at gmail.com for details of registration and

We would appreciate your ideas and waiting for you!

Regards, Anton Shynkaruk pcamprivne at gmail.com

Anton Shynkaruk
PhD in political science
WEB: intrelcomm.wordpress.com
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/antonshynkaruk
Skype: anton.shynkaruk
Academia.edu: http://rivne.academia.edu/AntonShynkaruk
Department of international information of Rivne Institute of Slavonic
studies www.mi.rv.ua

Laura Newman
Community Coordinator
Open Knowledge Foundation
Skype: lauranewmanonskype
Twitter: @Newmanlk

Lucy Chambers
Community Coordinator,
OpenSpending & Data Journalism
Open Knowledge Foundation
Skype: lucyfediachambers
Twitter: @lucyfedia
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