[Okfn-se] [Okfn-no] [Okfn-dk] 1. inter-nordic google/skype hangouts - for building nordic, cooperation (miska knapek)
Åsnes, Øystein
Oystein.Asnes at difi.no
Fri Feb 21 09:47:41 UTC 2014
I've filled out the doodle-form and entered myself to the pad regarding a forthcoming Nordic hangout. Unfortunately tomorrows public hangout is bad timing for us since this weekend is the peak of our winter holidays.
Best wishes and kind regards
Øystein Åsnes
Senior Advisor
Mob. +47 99158285
Agency for Public Management and eGovernment (Difi)
-----Opprinnelig melding-----
Fra: okfn-no [mailto:okfn-no-bounces at lists.okfn.org] På vegne av Niels Erik Kaaber Rasmussen
Sendt: 21. februar 2014 10:27
Til: miska knapek
Kopi: okfn-no at lists.okfn.org; Antti Jogi Poikola; okfn-fi at lists.okfn.org; okfn-se at lists.okfn.org; Okfn Dk
Emne: Re: [Okfn-no] [Okfn-dk] [Okfn-se] 1. inter-nordic google/skype hangouts - for building nordic, cooperation (miska knapek)
Yes, I will set up a public hangout tomorrow using my personal google plus account (https://plus.google.com/+NielsErikKaaberRasmussen/) and you're all very welcome to join during the day.
/Niels Erik
(+45) 2680 9492
On 2014-02-21 09:09, miska knapek wrote:
> Hej/Hei Niels,
> Good work - thanks for it.
> The idea of a videolink joining us all - to at least in an a/v way
> have a bit more of a community on ODD, is great.
> Over from Finland we could try having a round of 'hei/hej's around
> 1200 (or 1230 if that works better) CET. (Or more likely, we'll just
> be talking when there's time ... but at 1200 CET at the latest ;)
> It's been a while since i"ve done group calls - will you set up a
> hangout or something like that, that we can all join?
> Let us know and we'll be more than happy to join.
> All the best,
> miska
> On 21 February 2014 00:21, Niels Erik Kaaber Rasmussen
> <niels at buhlrasmussen.eu> wrote:
>> Hei
>> I've filled out the doodle and entered myself to the pad regarding a
>> forthcomming Nordic hangout.
>> This Saturday 10-16 CET at Open Data Day we're running a
>> workshop/datasprint on climate data in Copenhagen and would like to
>> connect to similar events (not nessercarily on climate data of
>> course). The idea is that most of the time the hangout will just be a
>> video-connection running at a big screen in the room we're working in
>> to remind us that it's an international event. But of course if
>> people are up for a talk, it'd be fine.
>> Let us know if you are planning anything for the open data day that
>> could benefit from a videolink with us? Or if you'd like to
>> (personally or as a group) just briefly join a hangout to say "Hei"
>> on Saturday.
>> Looking forward to meet you all.
>> Best, Niels Erik
>> ---
>> http://www.buhlrasmussen.eu [11]
>> (+45) 2680 9492 [12]
>> On 2014-02-18 17:15, miska knapek wrote:
>>> Hej Matias, et al!
>>> Awesome!
>>> Many good thanks for that.
>>> All the best,
>>> miska
>>> On 18 February 2014 14:20, Mattias <mattias at okfn.se> wrote:
>>>> On 13/02/14 13:00, okfn-se-request at lists.okfn.org wrote:
>>>>> [quote snipped]
>>>>> *Hello everyone,I'm one of the people involved in the open
>>>>> data/knowledge sphere in Finland. I'm proposing and inviting you
>>>>> to take part in a google hangout regarding building collaboration
>>>>> in the open data/knowledge sphere across the Nordic region. The
>>>>> idea would be to look at the topic of collaboration. *
>>>> Hi Miska, I'm Mattias from OKFN Sweden Local Group. We have been
>>>> talking about a similar thing in Sweden together with DK and we
>>>> would love such a collaboration on Open Data Day. I'm forwarding
>>>> this to the Swedish local group and let's make sure we get
>>>> something going together in Nordic Countries!
>>>> The pad (http://pad.okfn.org/p/okfn_nordics_hangout_pad [3] [3])
>>>> looks well and we will add whatever we can to collaborate [3]& I
>>>> am sure we can find a time through Doodle
>>>> (http://doodle.com/dcm762vf3h2ynb9t [2] [2]).
>>>> Best,
>>>> Mattias
>>>> Community Manager
>>>> OKFN Sweden
>>>>> *When it happens depends on it's suitable for you - see the doodle
>>>>> poll further below.*
>>>>> * There is already one proposal to do a Nordic 'group call' on the
>>>>> international Open Data Day ( 22nd February) by Niels Erik Kaaber
>>>>> Rasmussen.
>>>>> https://lists.okfn.org/pipermail/okfn-dk/2014-February/000154.html
>>>>> [1] [1]
>>>>> <https://lists.okfn.org/pipermail/okfn-dk/2014-February/000154.html
>>>>> [1]> [1] I'm
>>>>> suggesting that Niels call could be a part warmup, and whatever
>>>>> else
>>>>> unfolds (we're open to suggestion, no less ;). Do feel free to
>>>>> respond to
>>>>> the thread started by Niels to get yourselves involved in the ODD
>>>>> call. The
>>>>> reason I'm suggesting to make a different later call is that I
>>>>> know some
>>>>> key participants from Norway will be on holiday during the Open
>>>>> Data Data,
>>>>> and can't take part. Hence the reason for organising a different
>>>>> session to
>>>>> hopefully get more folks included. So, for this later call, feel
>>>>> free to
>>>>> fill in a doodle poll as to when it might work for you to attend
>>>>> the
>>>>> hangout.http://doodle.com/dcm762vf3h2ynb9t [2] [2]
>>>>> <http://doodle.com/dcm762vf3h2ynb9t [2]> [2] There's an etherpad
>>>>> for discussing the
>>>>> planning, and documenting the call,
>>>>> here:http://pad.okfn.org/p/okfn_nordics_hangout_pad [3] [3]
>>>>> <http://pad.okfn.org/p/okfn_nordics_hangout_pad [3]> [3] All the
>>>>> best,*
>>>>> *miska*
>>>> _______________________________________________
>>>> okfn-se mailing list
>>>> okfn-se at lists.okfn.org
>>>> https://lists.okfn.org/mailman/listinfo/okfn-se [4] [4]
>>> --
>>> miska michael knapek - your local illusionist (designer)
>>> mob. +358-50-320-2616 [5]
>>> web: http://knapek.org [6] [5]
>>> http://twitter.com/miskaknapek [7] [6]
>>> animations: http://vimeo.com/miska [8] [7]
>>> images: http://flickr.com/miska_too/sets [9] [8]
>>> Links:
>>> ------
>>> [1]
>>> https://lists.okfn.org/pipermail/okfn-dk/2014-February/000154.html
>>> [1]
>>> [2] http://doodle.com/dcm762vf3h2ynb9t [2]
>>> [3] http://pad.okfn.org/p/okfn_nordics_hangout_pad [3]
>>> [4] https://lists.okfn.org/mailman/listinfo/okfn-se [4]
>>> [5] http://knapek.org [6]
>>> [6] http://twitter.com/miskaknapek [7]
>>> [7] http://vimeo.com/miska [8]
>>> [8] http://flickr.com/miska_too/sets [9]
>>> _______________________________________________
>>> okfn-dk mailing list
>>> okfn-dk at lists.okfn.org
>>> https://lists.okfn.org/mailman/listinfo/okfn-dk [10]
>> _______________________________________________
>> okfn-dk mailing list
>> okfn-dk at lists.okfn.org
>> https://lists.okfn.org/mailman/listinfo/okfn-dk [10]
> --
> miska michael knapek - your local illusionist (designer)
> mob. +358-50-320-2616
> web: http://knapek.org [6]
> http://twitter.com/miskaknapek [7]
> animations: http://vimeo.com/miska [8]
> images: http://flickr.com/miska_too/sets [9]
> Links:
> ------
> [1]
> https://lists.okfn.org/pipermail/okfn-dk/2014-February/000154.html
> [2] http://doodle.com/dcm762vf3h2ynb9t
> [3] http://pad.okfn.org/p/okfn_nordics_hangout_pad
> [4] https://lists.okfn.org/mailman/listinfo/okfn-se
> [5] tel:%2B358-50-320-2616
> [6] http://knapek.org
> [7] http://twitter.com/miskaknapek
> [8] http://vimeo.com/miska
> [9] http://flickr.com/miska_too/sets
> [10] https://lists.okfn.org/mailman/listinfo/okfn-dk
> [11] http://www.buhlrasmussen.eu
> [12] tel:%28%2B45%29%202680%209492
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