[Okfn-se] interested in a nordic open geo/map data meetup in novermber

miska knapek contactmiska at knapek.org
Thu Aug 11 09:32:08 UTC 2016

I forgot to add, there's a planning pad for the event, here :

all the bests,


On 10 August 2016 at 21:27, miska knapek <contactmiska at knapek.org> wrote:

> Hey good open folks,
> *Short version : *
> A Nordic open geo & map data meetup/mini-conference is possible in
> parallel with Hack4no, the open cultural data hackathon, at the end of
> October, in Norway.
> (More details below, but a question first )
> But,* we need to know how many people would be interested i coming,* and
> how many might be interested in contributing to make the event happen (
> more on the latter below too ).
> There'll be tracks on different aspects of open geo/map data, as well as
> workshops.
> *PLEASE fill in the doodle poll below,* mentioning whether you might be
> interested in coming, as well as whether you might consider coming and
> paying a small fee to cover some basic costs.
> http://doodle.com/poll/75su2kut2thkzddd
> PLEASE answer as soon as possible - the poll closes on Sunday.
> *Longer version : *
> Some open people have voiced interest in having an open map data event,
> and we've some preliminary interest from people who'd like to run workshops
> and whatnot.
> Kartverket, the mapping authority of Norway, the main organiser of
> Hack4No, has said they could be interested in hosting a open map&geo data
> event in parallel with Hack4No.
> This is really nice of Kartverket, but to make it happen, we need to know
> how many people could be interested in coming, and whether they'd consider
> paying some small fee to cover some basic costs.
> *Longer version - part Two*
> If enough people are interested in attending, the next steps would be to
> organise some tracks for the event. There's an academic/education,
> business, civil society, etc… side to open map & geo data. it'd be great to
> have an open call, get suggestions for content, and organise these
> different tracks.
> ( We've already had some offers from the kind folks at Wikipedia, as well
> as some others like Søren Johanssen, to run workshops on new wikipedia
> mapping features, as well as open source mapping tools. ( Of course,
> depending on how things go, it might or might not be possible to run the
> workshops, but at least the will is there )).
> I hope there's sufficient interest, and that we can proceed with
> organising the event!
> All the best,
> miksa
> --
> miska michael knapek - your local illusionist (designer)
> mob. +358-50-320-2616
> web: http://knapek.org
> http://twitter.com/miskaknapek
> animations: http://vimeo.com/miska
> images: http://flickr.com/miska_too/sets
> code/github: https://github.com/miskaknapek

miska michael knapek - your local illusionist (designer)
mob. +358-50-320-2616
web: http://knapek.org
animations: http://vimeo.com/miska
images: http://flickr.com/miska_too/sets
code/github: https://github.com/miskaknapek
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