[OKFN-Spain] Feedback de los grupos locales

alberto abella alberto.abella en rooter.es
Mie Dic 5 01:38:25 UTC 2012

Como se ha comentado en esta lista la OKFN esta en  el proceso de
crecimiento y de asentar los grupos locales. A este efecto nos piden
feedback sobre estos documentos.

Comentarios are welcomed :-D

Os paso el mensaje de kat, la coordinadora de grupos locales.

Hello Local Group leads, 

I am very happy to share with you the fruits of our past month of
post-OKFestival strategic planning, based on your feedback and
priorities, to be used for the official revamp of our Local Groups

In this next stage, we intend to launch a series of support mechanisms
to help you in your local community work, including mentorship
programmes, a Local Groups Council, communication tools and advisory
committees. We will augment your existing work by adding a new
Ambassador scheme and redesign the okfn.org/local webpage to help new
regions join our community.  

First though, your feedback and guidance is needed. Please read these
two documents and comment where you find it necessary:  1) Our Local
Groups FAQ <http://bit.ly/QqKGKe>, to be used as the read-me for all
future public messaging, and 2) The accompanying Strategic Plan
<http://bit.ly/QqKRFb>, which provides further insight on the research
and context of these changes.

  www.rooter.es     facebook   twitter redondeado   linkedin  


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