[OKFN-Spain] FW: [okfn-discuss] Launching the Open Sustainability Working Group
José Félix Ontañon
fontanon en emergya.com
Vie Nov 30 21:17:53 UTC 2012
2012/11/30 Félix Pedrera <felix.pedrera en gmail.com>
> Hola Mayo,
> Yo ya me he suscrito y me presentaré como coordinador del grupo de trabajo
> de Open Environmental Data de OKFN-ES que podemos asimilar a Open
> Sustainability.
> Ya comenté alguna cosa en la lista de okfn-discuss, pero aprovecharé para
> comentar lo que estamos moviendo con AEMET y con permiso de Félix Ontañón
> lo que han estado haciendo en Open Data Sevilla con los datos de calidad de
> aguas de baño "Adopta una playa".
Y sin permiso, tocayo: agradecido de mantengas la experiencia
#adoptaunaplaya en "tu loop".
De hecho tengo ganas por ir conociendo qué dinámica de trabajo tendremos en
el Open Environmental Data de OKFN-ES: son muy buenas (y viables) las ideas
alrededor de #adoptaunaplaya y quisiera traerlas al grupo, pues no tiene
sentido que esto quede tan solo en opendatasev.
Un saludo.
> Gracias por el recordatorio.
> --
> Félix Pedrera
> El viernes 30 de noviembre de 2012 a las 19:28, Fuster, Mayo escribió:
> Hola!
> La OKFN acaba de lanzar un nuevo grupo de trabajo sobre Open
> Sustainability. Info bajo en caso que sea de interes a otras
> personas/grupos en formacion en OKFN - ES que trabajen estos temas.
> Feliz dia! Mayo
> ________________________________________
> From: okfn-discuss-bounces en lists.okfn.org [
> okfn-discuss-bounces en lists.okfn.org] on behalf of Velichka Dimitrova [
> velichka.dimitrova en okfn.org]
> Sent: Friday, November 30, 2012 3:28 PM
> To: Open Knowledge Foundation discussion list; open-science en lists.okfn.org;
> open-development en lists.okfn.org; open-economics en lists.okfn.org;
> open-sustainability en lists.okfn.org
> Subject: [okfn-discuss] Launching the Open Sustainability Working Group
> Dear all,
> We would like to announce the launching of the Open Sustainability Working
> Group<
> http://blog.okfn.org/2012/11/30/launching-open-sustainability-working-group/>
> of the Open Knowledge Foundation and invite you to join the Open
> Sustainability Mailing list<
> http://lists.okfn.org/mailman/listinfo/open-sustainability>.
> ...
> Sustainability is one of the most important challenges of our time. We are
> facing global environmental crises, such as climate change, resource
> depletion, deforestation, overfishing, eutrophication, loss of
> biodiversity, soil degradation, environmental pollution, etc. We need to
> move towards a more sustainable and resilient society, that ensures the
> well-being of current and future generations, that allows us to progress
> while stewarding the finite resources and the ecosystems we depend on.
> Data is needed to monitor the condition of the environment and to measure
> how we are performing and progressing (or not) towards sustainability.
> Transparency and feedback is key for good decision-making, for allowing
> accountability and for tracking and tuning performance. This is true both
> at an institutional level, such as working with national climate change
> goals; at a company level, such as deciding the materials for building a
> product; and at a personal level, deciding between chicken and salmon at
> the supermarket. However, most of the environmental information is closed,
> outdated, static, or/and in text documents that are not possible to process.
> For instance, unlike gross domestic product (GDP) and other publicly
> available data, carbon dioxide emissions data is not published frequently
> and in disaggregated form. While the current international climate
> negotiations at Doha <
> http://unfccc.int/meetings/doha_nov_2012/meeting/6815.php> discuss joint
> global efforts for the reduction of greenhouse gas emission, climate data
> is not freely and widely available.
> “Demand CO2 data!<
> http://blog.okfn.org/2012/09/21/demand-carbon-dioxide-data-says-hans-rosling-to-open-data-advocates-at-okfestival/>”
> urged Hans Rosling at the Open Knowledge Festival in Helsinki last
> September, encouraging a data-driven discussion of energy and resources.
> “We can have climate change beyond our expectations, which we haven’t done
> anything in time for” said Rosling in outlining the biggest challenges of
> our time. Activists don’t even demand the data. Many countries, such as
> Sweden, show up for climate negotiations without having done their CO2
> emissions reporting for many months. Our countries should report on climate
> data in order for us to see the big picture.
> Sustainability data should be open and freely available so anyone is free
> to use, reuse, and redistribute it. This data should be easy to access,
> both usable for the public but also accessible in standard machine-readable
> formats for enabling reuse and remix. And by sustainability data we do not
> mean only CO2 information, but all data that is necessary for measuring the
> state of, and changes in, the environment, and data which supports progress
> towards sustainability. This include a diversity of things like: scientific
> climate data and temperature records, environmental impact assessment of
> products and services, emissions and pollution information from companies
> and governments, energy production data or ecosystem health indicators.
> To move towards this goal, we are founding a new Working Group on Open
> Sustainability, which seeks to:
> * advocate and promote the opening up of sustainability information and
> datasets
> * collect sustainability information and maintain a knowledge base of
> datasets
> * act as a support environment / hub for the development of
> community-driven projects
> * provide a neutral platform for working towards standards and
> harmonization of open sustainability data between different groups and
> projects.
> The Open Sustainability Working Group is open for anyone to join. We hope
> to form an interdisciplinary network from a range of backgrounds such as
> academics, business people, civil servants, technologists, campaigners,
> consultants and those from NGOs and international institutions. Relevant
> areas of expertise include sustainability, industrial ecology, climate and
> environmental science, cleanweb development, ecological economics, social
> science, sustainability, energy, open data and transparency. Join the Open
> Sustainability Working Group by signing up to the mailing list<
> http://lists.okfn.org/mailman/listinfo/open-sustainability> to share your
> ideas and to contribute.
> Creating a more sustainable society and mitigating climate change are some
> of the very hardest challenges we face. It will require us to collaborate,
> to create new knowledge together and new ways of doing things. We need open
> data about the state of the planet, we need transparency about emissions
> and the impact of products and industries, we need feedback and we need
> accountability. We want to leverage all the ideas, technologies and energy
> we can to prevent catastrophic environmental change.
> This initiative was started by the OKFestival Open Knowledge and
> Sustainability and Green Hackathon<
> http://openeconomics.net/2012/10/06/okfestival-sustainability-stream-recap/>
> team including Jorge Zapico, Hannes Ebner (The Centre for Sustainable
> Communications at KTH), James Smith (Cleanweb UK), Chris Adams (AMEE), Jack
> Townsend (Southampton University) and Velichka Dimitrova (Open Knowledge
> Foundation).
> The information transmitted is intended only for the person or entity to
> which it is addressed and may contain confidential and/or privileged
> material. Any review, retransmission, dissemination, distribution,
> forwarding, or other use of, or taking of any action in reliance upon, this
> information by persons or entities other than the intended recipient is
> prohibited without the express permission of the sender. If you received
> this communication in error, please contact the sender and delete the
> material from any computer.
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J. Félix Ontañón Carmona
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