[OKFN-Spain] Nos piden la opinión sobre los eventos con OKFN

alberto abella alberto.abella en rooter.es
Vie Ene 18 05:06:14 UTC 2013

La nueva coordinadora de OKFN nos pide opinión sobre los eventos pasados
y futuros a realizar en OKFN y sobre otros eventos que nos hayan gustado

Por favor podéis comentar en la lista sobre las 6 cuestiones que nos

Las agruparemos y se las enviamos.


-------- Forwarded Message --------
From: Beatrice Martini <beatrice.martini en okfn.org>
To: wg-coord en lists.okfn.org, okfn-local-coord en lists.okfn.org,
network en lists.okfn.org
Subject: [OKFN-Local-Coord] OKFN-related Events – (very quick!) Internal
Date: Thu, 17 Jan 2013 19:38:23 +0100


in case we didn't meet (off/online) already, I'm Beatrice, the new OKFN
Events Coordinator. Nice to meet you!

I'm writing you because I know you're coordinating an OKFN project /
working group and/or organized OKFN events in the past.
I'm currently working on a roadmap and strategy to manage all kinds of
events involving OKFN, both as host and guest.

For this reason I thought about contacting you to know your opinion
about it. Please find a quick list of questions below (I can't wait to
read your answers!) – it will only take a couple of minutes. Feel free
to focus on your field of expertise as well as mention events related to
other fields that you find particularly remarkable. Both offline and
online initiatives are welcome.
I'd be glad to make the most of your input when working on the OKFN
Events Calendar and informing the OKFN Winter Summit through the Network
Unit presentation.

Thank you very much for your kind collaboration.
I am looking forward to hearing from you.


Events that OKFN runs

1) Events that OKFN ran in the past and proved to be successful. What,
where, organized by, format, strategy involved, outcomes (some of all of
these info – as much as you know about it)

2) OKFN Initiatives and events that could be promoted as a format to be
adopted in different countries in the world (meetups, datathons,
educational workshop etc). E.g. working on an events handbook-like
document that explains in detail how a certain OKFN event can be
realized, giving to open data enthusiasts the chance to pick their
favorite, make it happen in their own location and help to OKFN network
to grow keeping its integrity and values.

3) Events that haven't been realized so far but you'd love organize /

Events that OKFN attends / supports

4) Events that OKFN personally attended (talks, panels, datathons,
hackathons, workshops) and proved to be important. What, where, who,
format, strategy, outcomes (some of all of these info – as much as you
know about it)

5) Events that OKFN didn't attend yet, but that in your opinion would be
very important for us

6) Events that can help OKFN's image, brand, network that we can support
somehow, but with no need to have a member attending personally
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