[OKFN-Spain] Mañana se presenta una nota de prensa mundial sobre open data census (los datasets principales de ciudades y países) para la reunión del G8 en irlanda

maria dotor maria.dotor70 en gmail.com
Mie Jun 12 14:52:59 UTC 2013

Hola Alberto, no tengo muchos contactos en los medios pero puedo traducir
la nota cuando llegue (hoy a ultima hora no?)
Hablare con Diego Alvarez que se ocupo de la nota de prensa del open data
day - valencia.
Un saludo

2013/6/12 alberto abella <alberto.abella en okfn.es>

> **
> ¿María, Alicia (Felix también) podéis atender a este tema de Christian
> sobre el open data census que se presenta mañana?
> - Web de open data census: http://census.okfn.org/
> - Países: http://census.okfn.org/country/
> - Ciudades: http://census.okfn.org/city/
> si otros quieren ayudar, serán bienvenidos
> On Wed, 2013-06-12 at 14:37 +0200, Christian Villum wrote:
> Hi all,
> As you are all aware, we’ve been having a big push on the Open Data Census
> over the last couple of weeks, with the help of our wonderful community;
> thank you all! And now we're going to use it to put a *big international
> focus on open data*, as G8 representatives are gathering in Northern
> Ireland this week.
> There’s one last task for which we need your help: tomorrow we’ll be
> releasing a press release, and generating media coverage around it. To have
> a truly international impact, we would really appreciate your assistance on
> contacting newspapers and media outlets in your countries or regions to let
> them know the results of the census.
> It would be wonderful if you could gather your press contacts, and do one
> of two things:
> 1) get your translation skills ready and primed to go; we can have an
> early copy of the press release ready for you later today (Wednesday June
> 12), so that (if you have capacity and wish to) you can translate it ready
> for release in your country on Thursday June 13, or
> 2) simply send it as it is out to media in your country on Thursday.
> Our aim is to create as much of an international buzz around this as
> possible, and it would be great to really mobilize our international
> community around it, and see what we can achieve.
> ***If you would like to receive an early copy of the press release for
> translation, email me today. *Otherwise, you will receive it tomorrow
> (Thursday)****
>  ****Note: It's important that the press release - in any form or
> language - is not released before given the green light from us at OKF
> Central here on email.****
>  Thanks all- let's get the world's media paying attention to Open Data!
> -Christian
>  --
> *Zara Rahman*
> *International Community Manager  |  @ <https://twitter.com/rmounce>
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Maria Dotor (maria.dotor70 en gmail.com)
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