[OKFN-Spain] [opendatasev] Encuesta para definir la prioridad del Open Data en las políticas futura sde la Comisión Europea Fwd: [open-government] Survey request from EC/DG Connect via OKF

David Rey Jordan dreyjor en gmail.com
Mar Mar 12 13:16:47 UTC 2013

Gracias Carlos por traerlo a la lista. Tomo nota para rellenar la encuesta
en cuanto esté en un PC

David Rey Jordan
blog: http://FunkziUni.wordpress.com
tlf. 669 43 96 29

Enviado a la ligera desde un tablet. Disculpa las incorrecciones.
El 11/03/2013 18:20, "Carlos Iglesias" <contact en carlosiglesias.es> escribió:

> Hola a todos,
> Supongo que muchos ya os habréis enterado por las listas de la OKFN,
> pero sería importante participar en la encuesta de la Dirección
> General de Redes de Comunicaciones, Contenidos y Tecnología de la
> Comisión Europea en la que se marcarán las prioridades respecto a
> futuras actuaciones. Parece ser que el Open Data no está recibiendo
> muchos apoyos por el momento y sería importante que se hiciese oír la
> voz de los que lo apoyan para que la Comisión Europea no lo relegase a
> un papel secundario en el futuro.
> La encuesta está en
> http://ec.europa.eu/digital-agenda/en/help-us-improve-our-analysis-measurement
> y se puede rellenar únicamente la parte relacionada con contenidos y
> Open Data si así se desea.
> Saludos,
>  Carlos Iglesias.
>  http://es.linkedin.com/in/carlosiglesiasmoro/
>  @carlosiglesias
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Christian Villum <christian.villum en okfn.org>
> Date: 11 March 2013 12:45
> Subject: [open-government] Survey request from EC/DG Connect via OKF
> To: Open Government WG List <open-government en lists.okfn.org>
> Dear fellow list members,
> As part of the EU Open Data Portal project that we at Open Knowledge
> Foundation are undertaking in collaboration with DG CONNECT (a
> department of the EU Commission), I would like to forward this survey
> request in order to entice the EU Commission to increase the focus on
> open data.
> DG CONNECT has launched a metrics exercise where they try to collect
> the necessary evidence for setting priorities of their work. Part of
> this is gathering outside feedback. So far, response in relation to
> "open data" has been extremely limited. That may have an impact on the
> amount of staff and money they can claim for their activities. So:
> Quick action is necessary to get more people to respond to the
> questionnaire and emphasising the need for the Commission to act on
> data/open data.
> You find the link to the survey here:
> http://ec.europa.eu/digital-agenda/en/help-us-improve-our-analysis-measurement
> Within the survey you will be asked to choose priority areas on which
> you would like to comment. There is no need to address all thematic
> areas. Go directly to "Media & Data" and look for: "Data value chain:
> research and innovation", "Data value chain: open data policy and
> public sector information" and "Data value chain: pan-European portals
> for open data and for language resources".
> The consultation closes Friday of next week.
> Please spread as widely as possible.
> Thank you,
> Christian Villum
> --
> Christian Vilum | @villum
> Community manager, Open Government Data (OGD)
> Community coordinator, Local Groups (LG)
> Open Knowledge Foundation | @okfn
> Building the digital commons - support our work: okfn.org/support
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