[OKFN-Spain] [Fwd: Re: [OKFN-Local-Coord] OKCon - call for proposals launched]

alberto abella alberto.abella en rooter.es
Vie Mayo 10 10:31:55 UTC 2013

Precisamente hablando de la OKCon que se celebrará en Ginebra en

Se abre la  call for proposals

Es posible que haya alguna ayuda al viaje, todavía por decidir.

Para más información. http://okcon.org/


-------- Forwarded Message --------
From: Beatrice Martini <beatrice.martini en okfn.org>
To: Christian Villum <christian.villum en okfn.org>
Cc: Open Knowledge Foundation Local Coordinators Mailing List
<okfn-local-coord en lists.okfn.org>
Subject: Re: [OKFN-Local-Coord] OKCon - call for proposals launched
Date: Fri, 10 May 2013 10:53:20 +0200

Hi Tom,

Thank you for your enthusiastic support to OKCon!

Invitation letter for key people to suggest them to attend the
conference: coming very soon.

Information about travel bursaries: coming soon, likely this month, too.

I'd suggest you to start sending your proposals – updates about other
logistics and other details will come in the next few days/ weeks.

Thank you!


On 10 May 2013 08:43, Christian Villum <christian.villum en okfn.org>
        Hi Tom,
        Good initiative to try and see if key people from Brazil would
        be interested in going.
        As for travel bursaries, I've included Beatrice on this email,
        as she is in charge of everything OKCon-related.
        Christian Villum
        Community Manager, Open Government Data + Local Groups Network
        The Open Knowledge Foundation | skype: christianvillum  |
        Empowering through Open Knowledge
        http://okfn.org/  |  @okfn  |  OKF on Facebook  |  Blog  |
        On Thu, May 9, 2013 at 3:09 PM, Everton Zanella Alvarenga
        <everton.alvarenga en okfn.org> wrote:
                Hi, Chris.
                How are you? I've already outreach the event here in
                Brazil yesterday and it would be important to haev a
                fancy e-mail we could send to some key people in our
                regions, like polititians, to attend the event. As soon
                as we invite them, the better.
                I will talk about the challenges of create an
                organization supporting open knowledge in the global
                south (is there a better term than "global south"?) and
                all the steps done since 2011, when the local group
                What I need to know is if OKFn Central can bring people
                from Brazil to the event. For my case, I need only the
                flights, since I have friends in Geneve who can host me.
                It can take sometime for me write the proposal, but we
                need know if we can go there (well, I am one of the most
                far people, then the case is a little more complicated
                because my flight is more expensive :).
                2013/5/9 Christian Villum <christian.villum en okfn.org>
                        Hi all,
                        You may have seen this circulated in Working
                        Group discussion lists, but if you have not seen
                        it yet: OKCon now accepts your proposals! 
                        Note that the organisational setup of OKCon is
                        slightly different than last years OKFestival
                        (which is basically a different event). We
                        really hope to see many of you talking about
                        your great work in Geneva!
                        -Christian & Zara 
                        PS: The OKFestival with its more bottom up
                        approach will return in 2014 and you are all
                        very much invited to contribute to make this an
                        even bigger success than last years.
                        Christian Villum | @villum
                        Community manager, Open Government Data (OGD)
                        Community manager, Local Groups network (LG)
                        Open Knowledge Foundation | @okfn
                        Building the digital commons - support our
                        work: okfn.org/support
                        OKFN-Local-Coord mailing list
                        OKFN-Local-Coord en lists.okfn.org
                Everton Zanella Alvarenga (also Tom)
                OKFN Brasil - Rede pelo Conhecimento Livre

Beatrice Martini
Events Coordinator
Open Knowledge Foundation
Skype: beatricemartini
Twitter: @beatricemartini

Support OKF: okfn.org/support
OKFN-Local-Coord mailing list
OKFN-Local-Coord en lists.okfn.org
Unsubscribe: http://lists.okfn.org/mailman/options/okfn-local-coord


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