[OKFN-Spain] OKConference 2013 - oportunidad para OSCities

Alberto Abella alberto.abella en okfn.es
Lun Mayo 20 22:30:20 UTC 2013

1.-Yo ire salvo sorpresa
 2.-la propuesta es muy interesante. Me apunto.
3.-no se centraliza.  No pienses q pueden hacer por ti. Sino q puedes hacer tu con otros. :-D

 ademas teneis un wiki montado aqui. 

Por si lo necesitais. Solo teneis que registraros.

"Júlia López Ventura" <julove en gmail.com> escribió:

>Hola a todos,
>Este es un mensaje para todo el grupo OKFN y, en particular, para los
>miembros del grupo Open Smart Cities.
>Antes que nada presentarme muy rápido para quien no me conozca. Me
>llamo Julia López, trabajo en el Ayuntamiento de Barcelona, en el
>pasado en proyectos europeos RDI y ahora en el mundillo Smart Cities (o
>tecnologías urbanas como me gusta más llamarlo). Además soy la
>responsable del grupo Open Smart Cities dentro de OKFNSpain (del que no
>hemos tenido mucha actividad hasta ahora, mea culpa).
>Quería comentaros que hace unos ańos que conozco a la que hoy es la
>responsable del grupo Open Cities en la OKFN Finlandia. Recientemente
>se ha puesto en contacto conmigo (see emails below) para proponerme si
>sería de nuestro interés organizar conjuntamente un workshop en la
>OKConference 2013 en Ginebra.
>Como no se había tratado este tema hasta ahora, lanzo mis preguntas a
>todo el grupo:
>- Tiene alguien pensado asistir a OKConf 2013?
>- Que opináis de la propuesta de organizar un workshop OSCities
>Finland-Spain? El deadline és el viernes 24...
>- Alguien más ha presentado o pensado presentar alguna propuesta?
>Alguien centraliza?
>Finalmente, aprovecho para deciros que a partir de ahora los mensajes
>referidos al grupo Open Smart Cities y su actividad se mandarán a
>través de la mailing list creada (gracias Alberto Abella!) a tal
>efecto. Por favor, ruego a aquellos que se apuntaron al pad y todavía
>tengan interés en el grupo que se apunten a la mailing list:
>Júlia López Ventura
>julia.lopez.ventura en gmail.com
>El 20/05/2013, a les 10:30, "Hanna Niemi-Hugaerts"
><hanna.niemi-hugaerts en forumvirium.fi> va escriure:
>> Dear Julia,
>> Not much has happened here either, but that's exactly why we need
>international network to get some speed to our work.
>> We have set a goal for a national hackday for Q1 2014 and prior to
>that we were planning to have:
>> -criteria for the open smart cities
>> -assessment of Finnish cities on where they stand regards to openness
>> -agreement with 7 cities on how they will become more open 
>> -agreement between the 7 cities on some joint datasets and APIs that
>can be then utilized on the national hackday
>> We also like the idea that you had on the recommendations for Open
>Smart Cities and I think that could be one topic for us to work on at
>the Conference.
>> But let me know what others thought and whether I should just make
>this proposal on my own or if we make it together.
>> Best,
>> Hanna
>> On Fri, May 17, 2013 at 7:39 PM, LOPEZ VENTURA, JULIA
><jlopezve en bcn.cat> wrote:
>>> Hanna,
>>> Sorry for my silence! 
>>> I think partnering for a joint session in September's OKConf would
>be a great idea and I like the approach of your text proposal (it is
>open for discussion and that is exactly what we need). I would like to
>talk about these with the rest of the group though. What is the format
>of the session you were considering? 
>>> What are the activities you have been doing up there? Maybe we can
>find some inspiration from them.
>>> Big hug,
>>> -------------------------------------
>>> Júlia López i Ventura
>>> Smart City Strategy BCN
>>> Urban Habitat
>>> Barcelona City Council
>>> C. Tanger, 98, pl. 12
>>> 08018 Barcelona
>>> Tel. + 34 932918153
>>> Mob. +34 616177948
>>> jlopezve en bcn.cat
>>> www.bcn.cat
>>> -------------------------------------
>>> Enviat des del meu iPhone
>>> El 17/05/2013, a les 15:10, "Hanna Niemi-Hugaerts"
><hanna.niemi-hugaerts en forumvirium.fi> va escriure:
>>>> Hi once more! 
>>>> What would you say about this as a starting point?
>>>> Open Smart Cities
>>>> Open Smart Cities workshop continues where the Open Cities topic
>stream (http://okfestival.org/opencities/) at the Open Knowledge
>Festival left off. Both Spanish and Finnish OKF chapters have a working
>group focusing on this topic and the workshop aims at getting more
>countries and cities to work with them on promoting openness in the
>city context. How should future smart city infrastructures be designed
>and built to support openness in its various forms? How can we take
>further this work that has and will be done in Spain and Finland? In
>the States different actors in the Civic Tech movement have branded
>themselves quite well and provide tools and materials not only for
>developers but for other stakeholders in this domain: decision-makers
>and citizens (e.g.http://brigade.codeforamerica.org/pages/openimpact).
>When aiming at open smart cities around the world, there is a clear
>need for more structured activities to strengthen the message and avoid
>overlapping. How should organize ourselves, agree on our vision,
>communicate about it and fund the needed activities? Could OKF play a
>role in taking our message to the cities across the world?
>>>> Best,
>>>> Hanna
>>>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>>>> From: Hanna Niemi-Hugaerts <hanna.niemi-hugaerts en forumvirium.fi>
>>>>> Date: Thu, May 16, 2013 at 3:27 PM
>>>>> Subject: Joint session for OK Conference?
>>>>> To: Júlia López i Ventura <julia.lopez.ventura en gmail.com>
>>>>> Dear Julia,
>>>>> Would you be interested in collaborating on some Open Cities
>proposals for September's conference? It would be great to organise
>something and by joining forces it would be easier to create bigger
>impact. We discussed earlier that manual or criteria for Open Smart
>Cities, could we workshop on that there for example?
>>>>> Best,
>>>>> Hanna
>>>>> -- 
>>>>> ******************************
>>>>> Hanna Niemi-Hugaerts
>>>>> Projektipäällikkö - Project Manager
>>>>> Forum Virium Helsinki
>>>>> Aleksanterinkatu 16-18
>>>>> 00170 Helsinki
>>>>> +358 40 674 9911
>>>>> hanna.niemi-hugaerts en forumvirium.fi
>>>>> www.forumvirium.fi
>>>>> www.facebook.com/forumviriumhelsinki
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>>>>> ******************************
>>>>> Hanna Niemi-Hugaerts
>>>>> Projektipäällikkö - Project Manager
>>>>> Forum Virium Helsinki
>>>>> Aleksanterinkatu 16-18
>>>>> 00170 Helsinki
>>>>> +358 40 674 9911
>>>>> hanna.niemi-hugaerts en forumvirium.fi
>>>>> www.forumvirium.fi
>>>>> www.facebook.com/forumviriumhelsinki
>>>>> ******************************
>>>> -- 
>>>> ******************************
>>>> Hanna Niemi-Hugaerts
>>>> Projektipäällikkö - Project Manager
>>>> Forum Virium Helsinki
>>>> Aleksanterinkatu 16-18
>>>> 00170 Helsinki
>>>> +358 40 674 9911
>>>> hanna.niemi-hugaerts en forumvirium.fi
>>>> www.forumvirium.fi
>>>> www.facebook.com/forumviriumhelsinki
>>>> ******************************
>> -- 
>> ******************************
>> Hanna Niemi-Hugaerts
>> Projektipäällikkö - Project Manager
>> Forum Virium Helsinki
>> Aleksanterinkatu 16-18
>> 00170 Helsinki
>> +358 40 674 9911
>> hanna.niemi-hugaerts en forumvirium.fi
>> www.forumvirium.fi
>> www.facebook.com/forumviriumhelsinki
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