[OKFN-Spain] Resumen de OKFN-SP, Vol 17, Envío 23

alberto abella alberto.abella en rooter.es
Mar Oct 29 07:34:00 UTC 2013

Si karma peiro está esta mañana
On Mon, 2013-10-28 at 07:54 -0500, Alexander plata wrote:
> Hola a todos  alguien de ustedes va estar en londres en la cumbre de
> OGP? Seria muy interesante  conocerlos .
> Saludos desde Colombia
> Alexander Plata
> 2013/10/28 <okfn-sp-request en lists.okfn.org>
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>         respuesta sólo aquellas partes del mensaje a las que está
>         respondiendo.
>         Asuntos del día:
>            1. Innova Challenge (Oriol Pascual)
>         ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>         Message: 1
>         Date: Fri, 25 Oct 2013 08:57:48 +0000
>         From: Oriol Pascual <oriol en enviu.org>
>         Subject: [OKFN-Spain] Innova Challenge
>         To: OKF-SP Mailinglist <okfn-sp en lists.okfn.org>
>         Message-ID: <913D3352-9D12-4E7D-BAA7-169008F6634F en enviu.org>
>         Content-Type: text/plain; charset="windows-1252"
>         Saludos,
>         Hoy me ha llegado la info de un evento alrededor de big data
>         que está organizando ESADE & BBVA. Parece que la sesión
>         constará de una parte teórica, y otra práctica.
>         Desconozco hasta que punto los datos a utilizar son en
>         abierto, pero he creído que puede ser interesante para más que
>         uno en la comunidad OKF.
>         Un saludo,
>         Oriol
>         -------
>         Big Data & Innovation - BBVA Innova Challenge
>         Big data has been identified as the next frontier for
>         innovation. If interested to learn more about what is big data
>         and what are the opportunities in this field, join the BBVA
>         Innova Challenge event on November 13th at ESADE EGarage: an
>         afternoon combining expert talks and a hands-on workshop where
>         you will experience the potential of big data.
>         This event is part of the BBVA Innova Challenge, an
>         international competition aimed at the developer community,
>         which goal is to design new services, applications and content
>         based on BBVA?s big data. There are 90K? prize on the grabs!
>         On November 13th BBVA will be at ESADE to talk more on their
>         big data projects, their international innovation challenge,
>         and interact with the potential candidate base through a live
>         case challenge.
>         If you would like to attend this event, please sign up here:
>         https://bigdatabcn.eventbrite.com/
>         More information about the competition here:
>         https://www.centrodeinnovacionbbva.com/en/innovachallenge
>         Date: Wednesday November 13th
>         Time: 15:00-19:00
>         Place: EGarage, ESADE campus, Sant Cugat (Av. Torre Blanca 59)
>         Language: English
>         Event organized by The Design & Innovation Club of ESADE MBA's
>         and BBVA.
>         ------------ próxima parte ------------
>         Se ha borrado un adjunto en formato HTML...
>         URL:
>         <http://lists.okfn.org/pipermail/okfn-sp/attachments/20131025/7667674d/attachment-0001.htm>
>         ------------------------------
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>         Fin de Resumen de OKFN-SP, Vol 17, Envío 23
>         *******************************************
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