[OKFN-Spain] Campaña contra la contratación secreta de los estados

alberto abella alberto.abella en rooter.es
Jue Mar 13 16:28:34 UTC 2014

Os adjunto la campaña que tiene lanzada OKFN  a nivel mundial. 

Si queréis escribir un post en el blog de okfn Spain os damos un usuario
(enviadme mensaje) 

Hi all,

As you know we're right in the middle of our campaign to Stop Secret

We need you to help us! Here are four easy ways to do that:

1. Have you signed the petition yet? And asked your local community (and
fellow Local Group members) to sign too?

2. Share the campaign!  The website is
here: http://StopSecretContracts.org/
The blog post is
here: http://blog.okfn.org/2014/02/27/stop-secret-contracts-new-global-campaign-launched/
Tag your tweets with #SecretContracts

3. Blog about it! Sweden and Bangladesh have already done so, but we'd
really like to have this become a truly global campaign. Get your pens
out :)

4. Talk to people about it! When you discuss open knowledge with work
partners, friends, family and others - let them know about this!

We need to put an end to secrecy in government contracts. We believe
this is a crucial issue which goes to the heart of transparency and
accountability in government, and we're really excited to be joined by
over 30 organisations around the world, including the Sunlight
Foundation, Transparency International and Global Witness (
the website).

If you'd like to discuss further, ping us
on contact en stopsecretcontracts.org



Christian Villum
International Community Manager

skype: christianvillum  |  @villum
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