[OKFN-Spain] Funding Opportunity from OGP's Open Data Working Group
Alberto Abella
alberto.abella en rooter.es
Mie Oct 1 11:17:39 UTC 2014
Para aquellos q busquen financiacion al open data para el desarrollo
Alberto abella. Desde movil
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Subject: [OKFN-Local-Coord] Fwd: New Research Funding Opportunity from OGP's Open Data Working Group
From: Laura James <laura.james en okfn.org>
To: Open Knowledge Foundation Local Coordinators Mailing List <okfn-local-coord en lists.okfn.org>
Some of you might be interested in this opportunity:
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Samantha Custer <scuster en aiddata.org>
Date: 30 September 2014 23:12
Subject:New Research Funding Opportunity from OGP's Open Data Working Group
Hello FtM colleagues:
A new Open Data for Development fund from the Open Government Partnership’s Open Data Working Group has 200k to spend and wants to support short-term research exploring the technical and practical implications of open data for development. A great opportunity to seed much needed new research on data use and usability and ensure that following the money turns into real change. Proposals due Oct. 24th, projects to take place between Nov. 2014 - Mar. 2015. More info below from the World Wide Web Foundation or in this link: https://webfoundation.org/2014/09/od4d-cfp/
Open Data for Development Fund Research Grants to Deepen or Inform the Work of the OGP Open Data Working Group Manager's Choice
José Manuel A.
Program Manager, Open Data at World Wide Web Foundation
As part of its ongoing commitment to support governments in implementing their open data commitments and developing more ambitious action plans, the OGP Open Data Working Group, co-chaired by the Web Foundation and the Government of Canada, is undertaking a new funding initiative entitled Open Data for Development (OD4D) Fund.
Under this new initiative, the Working Group will provide a total of $200,000 in funding over the next year to support a number of short-term, intensive research projects exploring the technical and practical implications of open data. These grants will be administered by the Web Foundation and supported by the International Development Research Centre (IDRC), and will initially support research projects to take place between November 2014 and March 2015.
We are excited about this opportunity to provide significant support for the advancement of the global open data movement. Through our Working Group’s initial work and outreach efforts, we have learned that while there is an active, thriving international open data community, many governments and civil society organizations simply lack the information and tools they need to implement open data effectively. OD4D Fund gives us an opportunity to support projects that will demonstrate the importance of open data for developing countries, and will set out best practices for creating ambitious, effective open data programs in countries around the world.
Proposals should make a case for how the research will serve to deepen or inform work outlined in the 2014-2015 OGP Open Data Work Plan. In particular, proposals may address potential mechanisms for ensuring that deliverables in each of the four work streams (Principles, Standards, Measurement, and Capacity Building) can be inclusive to stakeholders and globally-focused.
Research proposals must be submitted by midnight (EST) on Friday, October 24th, 2014.
We hope many of you will show your support for open data by applying for funding through the OD4D initiative, or by forwarding this link to your open government contacts and networks. By supporting open data in the developing world, we can help to empower the experts, advocates, civil society organizations, and governments that are already working to make data more open and accessible to citizens around the world.
Samantha CusterDirector of Policy and Communications
scuster en aiddata.org +1 202-705-6970
A partnership of College of William and Mary / Development Gateway / Brigham Young University
AidData - Open Data for International Development
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