[OKFN-Spain] Fwd: [berkmanfriends] [Selfie] Iberoamerican Data Journalism Hanbook published
Mayo Fuster Morell
mayo.fuster en eui.eu
Vie Oct 3 14:13:37 UTC 2014
Quizas de interes para las que trabajan temas de peridismo de datos.
Publicado manual de periodismo de datos en iberoamerica.
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Subject: [berkmanfriends] [Selfie] Iberoamerican Data Journalism Hanbook published
Date: Thu, 2 Oct 2014 16:48:04 -0400
From: Miguel Paz <miguel en poderopedia.com><mailto:miguel en poderopedia.com>
Reply-To: berkmanfriends en eon.law.harvard.edu<mailto:berkmanfriends en eon.law.harvard.edu>
To: berkmanfriends en eon.law.harvard.edu<mailto:berkmanfriends en eon.law.harvard.edu>
Hi everyone:
The print version of the "Iberoamerican Data Journalism Handbook" was launched this morning in Santiago, Chile.
This project is a massive collaborative effort by volunteers, started by Poderomedia (thanks to Hivos International and ICFJ for the support).
Written by over 40 journalists from 35 newsrooms and civic organizations from 16 countries, the Handbook focuses on local experiences from Mexico to Chile, including Portugal and Spain, and by doing so it shows how different, harder, easier, safer or more dangerous is to do Data Journalism, depending on the country you are in. It also includes information about FOIA laws, open data and civic initiatives related to the primary issue of the book.
The Handbook is in Spanish and it`s free of charge.
You can read a online version at http://manual.periodismodedatos.org<http://manual.periodismodedatos.org/>. In the next days you will find a ebook version in the site too.
We also have printed copies of the book for free but you need to pay for shipping :)
So if you, your center, your newsroom, J-School, university library or civic organization would really appreciate having a copy, please let me know off list or write to team en poderopedia.com<mailto:team en poderopedia.com> with subject: I want the Handbook. Tell us if it`s for you or for your organization.
Miguel Paz @miguelpaz
Nieman-Berkman Fellow 2014-2015
Poderomedia.org @poderomedia - Poderopedia.org @poderopedia
PoderomediaAcademy #PAcademy - Manual Periodismo de Datos @periodismodata
Hacks/Hackers Chile @hackshackersSCL
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