[OKFN-Spain] voluntarios para okfn directory?
alberto abella
alberto.abella en okfn.es
Mar Ago 18 21:19:58 UTC 2015
-------- Forwarded Message --------
From: Neal Bastek <neal.bastek en okfn.org>
To: Open Knowledge Foundation Local Coordinators Mailing List
<okfn-local-coord en lists.okfn.org>, wg-coord en lists.okfn.org
Subject: [OKFN-Local-Coord] Open Knowledge Directory
Date: Tue, 18 Aug 2015 13:09:14 -0400
Hello all,
We are building a community directory for the Open Knowledge Network —
as we have planned for some time. We plan to build this community
directory using our Discourse instance and to further consolidate some
of our disparate community services there going forward.
The directory’s purpose is to make it easier for people to discover and
connect with others — whether that’s to collaborate on projects, share
experiences or simply meet in person or online.
In addition, we will be launching badging features on the forum for
local and working groups, ambassadors, and fellows. This will give more
visibility and recognition to our network groups and their members.
Key features of the directory will include:
* Rich public profiles — we want to know what information people
want to share and see.
* Private and public messaging — so community members can connect
with each other
* Group management features — which can be used for Local and
Working Groups
* Badging — to aid discovery and recognize group membership and
community contribution
We’ll be working on this over the next few weeks and you can follow
updates in this thread. We welcome suggestions and help as we implement
and iterate.
As part of our early testing with groups and badging we are working on
creating a private group on discuss to replace these two Mailman lists.
In anticipation of that, it would be helpful if everyone on these lists
created an account/user profile on the Discuss forum. In the next few
days we will establish a new group and discussion category there and
sort out an orderly transition.
If you have an idea or question please either comment here or open a
topic here in the Meta category about something you'd like to see.
Neal Bastek
Network Engagement Director
skype: nealbastek | @nbastek
Open Knowledge
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