[OKFN-Spain] [Fwd: Re: [OKFN-Local-Coord] Open Data Day stories - please send them to us!]

alberto abella alberto.abella en okfn.es
Mar Mar 3 18:00:23 UTC 2015

os reenvío un mensaje de la lista de coordinadores por que aprece que
está naciendo grupo local de OKFN en Portugal.

-------- Forwarded Message --------
From: Ricardo Lafuente <r en manufacturaindependente.org>
To: okfn-local-coord en lists.okfn.org
Subject: Re: [OKFN-Local-Coord] Open Data Day stories - please send them
to us!
Date: Tue, 03 Mar 2015 00:53:30 +0100

Hello Christian and all,

As it's my first post to the list, I would like to state our 
enthusiastic pleasure to get the privilege to add Portugal to the Open 
Knowledge community. Looking forward to productive insights and fruitful 
collective endeavours!

We finally put live an English version of our writeup of the Portuguese 
Open Data Day:

It was an important moment to strengthen the existing but dispersed open 
data community in Portugal, and provide the space to share and bring 
together activists, hackers, researchers and people from all sorts of 
backgrounds. We held a linked data workshop and a set of talks about 
open data efforts in Portugal, with record attendance and a significant 
milestone in consolidating the Portuguese open data community. Again, 
our sincere and grateful thanks to everyone at Open Knowledge for 
helping us making this happen.

Photos are also available here:

All the best,

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