[OKFN-Spain] buscamos un responsable técnico de OKFN Spain para la iniciativa LABS

alberto abella alberto.abella en okfn.es
Mar Mayo 12 09:05:59 UTC 2015

Os reenvío este mensaje de nuestro presidente Rufus Pollock para la
iniciativa Labs.

Por favor aquellos interesados poneos en contacto conmigo en mi mail
alberto.abella en okfn.es o con alberto en barrionuevo.info 

On 9 May 2015 at 13:17, Rufus Pollock <rufus.pollock en okfn.org> wrote:
        Hi All,

        I am writing in my capacity as one of the volunteer coordinators
        of Labs :-)

        I am writing to ask for local groups to nominate *one* person as
        a contact point for tech-type stuff in their local group using
        this following really simple form (just 3 fields!)

        Simple Google Form for Nominating Tech Contact
        Why am I asking? (See also this labs github issue)

        - We want to be able to contact local groups to get tech-related
        stories for the regular Labs newsletter
        - We want to be able to notify local groups about the
        regular Labs hangouts and invite people to attend and share the
        cool stuff they have been doing locally
        - We want to find out more about the cool tech-related projects
        and events that local groups are doing (cf the newsletter)

        What will be expected of the nominated person?

        - There is minimal time commitment - minimum would be 10m a
        month to respond to a "anything interesting happen last month"
        ping and to forward on the newsletter
        - Would hope that nominated person would participate the Labs
        forum - but not required
        - The nomination need not be permanent - perhaps just for an
        initial 6m

        Rufus Pollock
        Founder and President | skype: rufuspollock | @rufuspollock
        Open Knowledge - see how data can change the world
        http://okfn.org/ | @okfn | Open Knowledge on Facebook |  Blog

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