[OKFN-Spain] Syria secretly sentenced free software developer Bassel Khartabil to death

alberto abella alberto.abella en okfn.es
Dom Nov 22 08:24:21 UTC 2015

Subject: Syria secretly sentenced free software developer Bassel
Khartabil to death / Boing Boing


La petición en change.org

y su texto
In 2012, the Syrian government arrested my friend Bassel Safadi and
brought him to a military court, and accused him of "harming state
security”. Bassel is a distinguished computer engineer credited with
opening up the Internet in Syria — a country with a notorious record of
online censorship — and vastly extending online access and knowledge to
the Syrian people
La dirección de la embajada de siria

Address: Plaza de Platerías de Martínez, 1, 28014 Madrid
Phone:914 20 16 02

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