[okfn-tw] [來訪] FutureTDM(奧地利)

TH Schee info at motomosa.com
Tue May 17 00:57:16 UTC 2016

Last night we had some pretty good discourses on:

   - Privacy awareness and it's implications on advancing data agenda from
   different cultures (e.g. Netherlands, Germnay, Taiwan, Japan)
   - Stories behind the Global #fishhackathon
   - How Premier Chang got involved in open data (since Feb 2012)
   - Data journalism in HK and TW
   - Open Knowledge International and it's next step
   - Weather, earthquake, heavy rainfalls and... crisis response
   - Urban planning and community engagement - the old fashion
   - Land property and redistricting

Thanks for all coming!

2016-04-06 23:36 GMT+08:00 TH Schee <info at motomosa.com>:

> 計畫:http://project.futuretdm.eu/ (內容頗詳細)
> 關鍵字:policy, legal framework, text and data mining,  SME, EU, data-driven
> innovation
> 時間:約莫是5月16日當週
> 地點和型態:尚未決定
> 有興趣的人或知道誰可能有興趣參加 meetup 的請告知。:)
> --
> TH Schee | M: +1-646-820-0002 | @scheeinfo


TH Schee | M: +1-646-820-0002 | @scheeinfo
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