[okfn-tw] Fwd: [ogp] Call for opengov initiatives contibuting to achieving SDGs in Asia Pacific
TH Schee
info at motomosa.com
Wed May 18 11:40:24 UTC 2016
關鍵字:OGP, open government, SDG, APAC, UNDP.
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From: "Shreya Basu" <shreya.basu at opengovpartnership.org>
Date: May 18, 2016 19:31
Subject: [ogp] Call for opengov initiatives contibuting to achieving SDGs
in Asia Pacific
To: "OGP Civil Society group" <ogp at dgroups.org>
Dear Colleagues,
Are you promoting open government initiatives in Asia Pacific countries to
contribute to the achievement of the SDGs? Working on transformative
initiatives that are helping promote more open and inclusive societies? If
so, the call below may be of interest to you.
Please help spread the word within your networks.
Best wishes,
*Shreya Basu*Regional Civil Society Coordinator for Asia and Pacific
*Open Government Partnership Support Unit*
e-mail: shreya.basu at opengovpartnership.org | skype: basushreya | phone: +65
9023 0656 | twitter: @basushreya10 | www.ogphub.org |
www.opengovpartnership.org |
*Join the OGP Asia Pacific CSO Mailing List:*
*Please note that emails exchanged with the OGP Support Unit may be subject
to the OGP disclosure policy, which is available here
*Mapping open government initiatives that are helping contribute to the
SDGs in Asia Pacific *
As many of you might be aware, United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
and the Open Government Partnership (OGP) Support Unit are joining hands to
put into action the commitments under the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable
In a step towards this direction, the UNDP Bangkok Regional Hub
<http://www.asia-pacific.undp.org/content/rbap/en/home.html> is currently
mapping examples of open government initiatives from the Asia Pacific
region that can help achieve the sustainable development goals (SDGs).
Specifically, we’re seeking initiatives that meet the following criteria:
Government and civil society are working together to promote
transparency, accountability, and/or citizen engagement, either at the
national or subnational level
The initiatives contribute to the achievement of the sustainable
development goals and demonstrate measurable results (e.g. good health,
quality education, rule of law and access to justice, gender equality,
climate action)
The initiatives aim at leaving no one behind: marginalized groups, the
poor, minorities, women, young people, people with disabilities… are part
of the process and/or benefit from the reform
The initiatives are based on innovative approaches, methodologies and/or
use of new technologies
Illustrative examples of open government initiatives that can spur progress
on the SDGs can be found here
All initiatives meeting these criteria will be promoted via UNDP and OGP’s
international networks. The top 3 initiatives selected by UNDP will be
presented at an upcoming regional workshop hosted by the Asian Development
Bank at their headquarters in Manila on July 21-22. UNDP will cover the
cost of travel for the presenters of the initiatives.
Whether you are a representative from a UNDP Country Office in the region,
government, civil society, academia, development partner or a private
citizen, we would like to hear about these innovative initiatives currently
being implemented. More information on the application process and
application documents are available here
*Deadline for submissions is 3 June 2016.* Questions and applications can
be sent to: liviana.zorzi at undp.org
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