[Open-access] [open-bibliography] Open alternative to crossref / linking to citations re-use on an open access repository?

cameronneylon.net cn at cameronneylon.net
Tue Apr 3 08:10:43 UTC 2012

I think the question here is how to exchange "citations" and build up the graph. I've been involved in a project (Webtracks) which seeks to build a mechanism for exchange of citations between repositories. There is an implementation available but this just provides a protocol and triplestore for holding the incoming and outgoing citations. What it doesn't do is scan documents/resources for things that might be citations as this is a repository specific issue.

> I may be wrong, but in the described situation, wouldn't any URL meet the requirements?

Yes,  in principle a dereferenceable URL (ideally with some semantic weight to it in the link) is sufficient to encode the information. But I think the original question was whether there are tools that help to record, traverse, and build up the graph?



> Mark
> On Mon, Apr 2, 2012 at 11:28 PM, Thomas Krichel <krichel at openlib.org> wrote:
>  Jenny Molloy writes
> > There are certain projects looking to address this and make citation
> > networks of OA material e.g.
>  For economics papers, there is CitEc at http://citec.repec.org
>  Cheers,
>  Thomas Krichel                    http://openlib.org/home/krichel
>                                      http://authorprofile.org/pkr1
>                                               skype: thomaskrichel
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