[Open-access] Eric Raymond offer to help with "Open Access"

Björn Brembs b.brembs at googlemail.com
Mon Feb 6 10:41:30 UTC 2012

I was rather thinking that I don't want to be associated
with a climate change denialist...


Mike Taylor wrote:

> I must admit that I have mixed feelings about Raymond myself.  He is
> the main voice behind the Open Source labelling, which of course was
> essentially a rebranding of the Free Software (free as in freedom)
> that Richard M. Stallman had been advocating for many years.  Although
> in mechanical terms Open Source and Free Software are very close, they
> are a million miles apart in motivation: Free Software is
> fundamentally an ethical and idealism movement, prizing freedom simply
> because freedom is good; whereas Open Source is much more pragmatic,
> and is explicitly about which way of building software tends to be
> most efficient.

> So his an our goals may be very similar; but I suspect our motivations
> are not.  My advice would be to welcome him as an ally, but to be
> cautious; and not to be surprised if we find down the line that his
> and our interests diverge, maybe radically.

Björn Brembs
Freie Universität Berlin

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